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Roadmap Update December 2018

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  • December 12, 2018
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Roadmap Update December 2018
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 5 replies
This roadmap update highlights the features & improvements planned for the inSided platform. Priorities can change as we face new challenges. At inSided we are committed to executing iterative and rapid improvements based on our vision and feedback from our users and customers.

Got an idea on how we can improve our platform? Don't hesitate to post your idea on our Ideation board.

Product updates coming soon:

Improvements to the core of our platform

We've begun the process of rolling out core platform improvements across all communities, which we aim to keep as quiet/unnoticeable as possible (please read the announcement article to learn the details changes to functionality for moderators that you need to be aware of).

API 2.0 Beta - Conversations and Questions (including Webhooks)

Once the core improvements to our platform are rolled out, we'll be able to launch the beta for API 2.0, which will provide a more consistent REST experience for developers. The first release of the new API will provide you with all key functionality for Conversations and Questions, including moderator actions. Apologies for the delay on this release.

WYSIWYG editor in Control

We're integrating the WYSIWYG editor used on the frontend into the Control environment. Our first focus is on integrating the editor into the create topic workflow in Control, making it easier to create articles. At last, you'll be able to to see directly how your article will look before publishing it.

We're also working on integrating the WYSIWYG editor for replying to topics in Control, helping you moderate and respond faster. This will include support for @mentions in Control, as well as a couple of extra keyboard shortcuts e.g. for adding links and strikethrough text). Thanks to our beta testers for their helpful feedback so far!

Quick links

Quick links guide your users to virtually wherever you want them to be. Everything that has an URL can be linked to: categories, articles, documentation etc. You can preview this feature on the inSpired community.

Topic Helpfulness

Allow visitors to indicate whether a topic was helpful or not. After a successful beta release, we're working on making this feature publicly available. Some nifty improvements are included such as a new design, emoji voting system, configuration options in Control. We'll also make sure that data and insights are sent to your Control environment. More information can be found in this topic. Want early access? Leave a comment below.

Open text widget

Create your own sidebar widget from scratch with the use of HTML/CSS. We'll enrich the widget library with an 'open text' widget that allows you to create your own widgets from scratch.

Typeform support

We will retire the survey feature. From Friday 14 December onwards it's no longer possible to create surveys in Control. As soon as we retire the ability to create a survey, we will simultaneously release the option to embed a Typeform survey in posts. Typeform allows you to create versatile rich surveys with numerous different question types.


We're in progress with re-enabling support for GIFs right now. We appreciate your patience here!

Notification when a user's reply is marked as the best answer

We plan to work on this idea from @Arakou - which aims to give your superusers a motivation boost by alerting them every time one of their replies is marked as the best answer. Community members will be able to disable these email notifications from their profile. We'll provide ample warning before enabling the notifications for this new email notification, to give you the chance to customize the notification to fit your brand.

Add close topic to bulk operations

This idea from @Ditte was on the last roadmap update, but unfortunately is currently impeded by our core platform improvements. We’ve left it here just so you’re aware we still plan to pick this up!

Completed product improvements:

November 2018

October 2018

September 2018

August 2018

July 2018

June 2018

May 2018

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

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