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Roadmap Update #15

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  • December 19, 2019
  • 1 reply
Roadmap Update #15
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️

It’s nearing the end of the year but we are still working hard to deliver on three themes that come from your feedback. Think of these as early gifts from inSided for the new year :)

1. Gamification: We are improving our capabilities here to give you the ability to manually reward badges (think a ‘Superman’ badge going to your most active responder or a ‘Geek’ badge for the most ideation requests on the community)! And soon we’ll release a new powerful capability to allow you to use points and leaderboards to better motivate and reward users for community engagement.

2. Reporting Dashboards: We got feedback that the current dashboards can be confusing and some data is not accurate. We want to get your confidence back. So, we are rolling out updates to make the dashboards more robust, logical and trustworthy.

3. Enhanced Customization: And last but not least, many of you asked for possibilities to make your homepage more unique and optimized for specific use cases. We are really excited about our (upcoming) releases that allow you to do just that. 

Quick look at our releases since the previous update:

Coming up:

Customization—easily change the look & feel of your community

  • We’ll continue on our quest to make it as easy as possible to change the layout of your community homepage

  • Configure and preview your community homepage directly in the front-end

  • Add, edit and remove homepage widgets with a simple click, no coding required

Featured topics - a brand new and improved way to feature topics on your homepage

  • A new widget to easily feature topics via search or by pasting the topic URL

  • Improved design of featured topic cards and responsive state

  • Feature as many topics as you like and drag & drop them in the right position

  • Determine where on the page you want to feature topics. Maybe you want them directly below the hero image or all the way at the bottom—you’ll have free control

  • Add a title and call-to-action button to your featured topics (optional)

News category - a new category type suited for updates and announcements

  • A brand new community category type (next to default and ideation)

  • Don’t worry, only moderators, community managers and administrators can publish to this category. 

  • Posts will be sorted by ‘Newest first’ not by latest activity to make sure community members never miss your latest updates.

  • UI/UX improvements to the way topics are being displayed


Points-based leaderboard

  • The points-based leaderboard will help you drive community members to contribute via a holistic measure of their contributions and a weekly race to the top.

  • We recently started to preview the points-based leaderboard on inSpired. Read our how to to learn more about the specifics of how the leaderboard currently works.

  • Our next step is to make it possible for any of you to add this powerful gamification element to your own community. Watch this space! 

Dashboard improvements

  • Based on your feedback to make the dashboard data more intuitive to understand, we recently rolled out a major change to the dashboards, so that the data accurately  reflects the current state of your community. 

  • As part of these improvements, we’ve rolled out new documentation and added some tooltips to the dashboards in Control.

  • Still up ahead, we’ll make it easier for you to save filters that you apply on a weekly or monthly basis—saving you time and effort.

Gainsight integration

  • We’re building an integration with Gainsight so you can gain a 360 customer view and enable your Customer Success team to proactively improve community engagement, self service, and ideation.

  • You’ll be able to see community member and activity data right within Gainsight allowing you to configure views, health scores and CTAs.

Mixpanel integration

  • We’re also building a Mixpanel integration, enabling you to combine product usage data with community activity data.

  • This will allow you to optimise the performance of your community using Mixpanel’s advanced reporting capabilities—including flows, funnels & retention.

  • You’ll also be able to analyse the impact of community content and behaviour on product usage.

We hope you like what we have on the horizon for the rest of the year and we really appreciate all the great ideas and feedback we get from you. In the meantime, from all of the team at inSided, we hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 🎄🥂

  • Helper ⭐️
  • December 20, 2019

Looking forward the improvements and feature updates - making InSided one of the premiere platforms for community on the market!

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