We are working on ‘under the hood’ improvements on our notifications service. This service makes sure that platform emails such as account activation, new replies, new mentions and such are being delivered to your users.
What are we improving
Email notifications for new replies (when a user subscribed to a topic)
Speed of notification service, minimizing the possible delay of account activation emails
Send a single email when a user is mentioned in a topic that he is subscribed to
Rendering of quotes (“) in email subjects (e.g. You’ve received a private message)
Overview of available platform emails
Preview of platform emails in Control
Success notification when the user requests an additional activation email
Default content for emails that are sent out when a moderator approves an account (related to Registration Approvals)
No changes or actions are needed on your side, these improvements will be delivered to your platform over the coming days. While improving our notifications service some emails might temporarily behave differently than expected (as we’re working on a service that is running 24/7/365). If you are experiencing any unexpected/unwanted behaviour with the improvements listed above (or platform emails in general) please let us know by sending an email to support@insided.com.