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We are happy to bring you a new feature that allows end-users to report content and includes a new moderation overview in Control with a more robust moderation flow of the reported content submitted by community users. 


One of the main focus points for a community team is to ensure that the information shared on the Customer Hub is relevant and accurate and that all user interactions are appropriate. In that context, we want to empower community members to help as an extra pair of eyes and make significant improvements to the community content.

The Reported Content Feature allows community members to notify and escalate content to moderators for review. This content could include posts that were not caught by the spam checker or are considered an inappropriate or unprofessional interaction, or the content needs updating or is inaccurate. 


The New Reported Content Feature - Key Highlights

  • In comparison to the old “flagging feature” you might be familiar with, the new Report Content Feature allows users to report Ideas, replies on Ideas, and Product Updates to moderators. 


  • Furthermore, moderators can see the report reasons submitted by community users when viewing the topic moderation page in Control


Reported Content Overview Page


  • Another great improvement for moderators is the ability to send a private message to the user(s) who reported a post when they resolve the report directly from the topic page. The message is pre-filled and can be edited by the moderator as they see fit or sent as is. 


Resolving content from the topic moderation page


  • Lastly, moderators can now bulk-resolve reported content from the overview when they assess multiple topics that do not need individual moderation. There is also a corresponding public API endpoint to enable additional workflows, but please note that the API call does not send out private messages to reporters. 


Bulk- resolve reported content


We hope this new version of the flagging feature empowers community members to more easily escalate content for moderators to review and simplifies the moderators’ workflow of handling reported content, as well as streamlines the communication between the two, making your communities a safe and professional space for everyone to enjoy, share and consume information from!


Good to know:

  • A private message is automatically sent to the reporter when the moderator ‘resolves’ the reported content. This private message cannot be skipped but can be edited. 
  • For questions, conversations, and articles, the topic moderation page needs to be manually refreshed to not show ‘Reported’ anymore once moderators have resolved content - we’re working on a new page that will not have his issue 💪
  • If a moderator trashes reported content without resolving it first, the content will still appear in the Reported Content Overview Page. Moderators should resolve the content first and then trash it. 
  • Please note that the Reported Content Overview Page is replacing the deprecated Flagged Overview Page. All reports made by end-users will thus go to the Reported Content Overview Page, and will no longer appear on the Flagged Overview Page. 


For more details on how this new feature works, please read our short guide in this article.


⭐️ As always, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback in the comments! ⭐️

Seems like a big step forward for the moderation experience!

As I poke around and familiarize myself with this improvement, I have one call out for community managers: If you had previously used the Phrases tool to customize the front end UI phrases for the previous Flagging Feature, those custom phrases are gone (as that feature has been deprecated and replaced with this). Take a look at the new Reporting feature and customize phrases, if needed. 


I don’t have any reported content and am unable to answer this question for myself… 

What does it look like for a moderator to be notified of reported content?

Will there be a red notification dot similar to the one for direct messages? 

@security_lion here’s an example from my testing. 



@security_lion here’s an example from my testing. 



Thank you @DannyPancratz ! Looks like a system email and no notification on Control then 👍

@security_lion yes, it’s a non-editable system email.

The email template for flagged content notifications that used to show in the System Emails is gone. Which (while I’m normally an advocate for customization options everywhere) makes sense to me. That was the one system email that was admin/moderator facing, not end user facing. It took me awhile to realize that. 

@Manon & team: 

With this new reported feature, do reported posts still generate topics in a hidden community category like they did with flagged topics? 

Hi @DannyPancratz - thanks for all the feedback! Great question - so all reported posts are not visible under a hidden Category but on the Reported Overview page in control.

Hi @DannyPancratz - thanks for all the feedback! Great question - so all reported posts are not visible under a hidden Category but on the Reported Overview page in control.

That’s great news. Looking forward to eventually getting rid of that hidden category. 


Good to know:

  • A private message is automatically sent to the reporter when the moderator ‘resolves’ the reported content. This private message cannot be skipped but can be edited. 

@Manon we tested this feature internally and at least for us it seems that when you resolve reported content from “Reported overview”, a private message is not sent. Is this a feature or a bug?

Seems like a big step forward for the moderation experience!

As I poke around and familiarize myself with this improvement, I have one call out for community managers: If you had previously used the Phrases tool to customize the front end UI phrases for the previous Flagging Feature, those custom phrases are gone (as that feature has been deprecated and replaced with this). Take a look at the new Reporting feature and customize phrases, if needed. 


Thanks @DannyPancratz for the heads up!

@Manon it seems that the phrases are missing from the Phrases tool in control - I can edit some of them in the front end, but not all.


Good to know:

  • A private message is automatically sent to the reporter when the moderator ‘resolves’ the reported content. This private message cannot be skipped but can be edited. 

@Manon we tested this feature internally and at least for us it seems that when you resolve reported content from “Reported overview”, a private message is not sent. Is this a feature or a bug?

And the question was here, 

Sorry! :)

Hi @Suvi Lehtovaara ! Thank you for your comments - a private message won’t be sent if you are resolving the content from the Reported Overview Page. You can only send a PM if you click on the topic, from the Topic Moderation Itself- Let me know if this isn’t clear :) 


And regarding the Phrases, the team will work on this soon as an improvement :) 

Everything is fine, but I’d add option to remove report (as some users just trolling and report clean/legit posts).

I’d also expand this idea a little bit - approve = post delete / user ban (and thank you message to the user who reported) and decline (delete report, don’t send any message to user).