Hey @Lola - the ‘unread by team’ status gets removed the moment someone opens the topic within Control. So you never have to do anything manually. And you can indeed simply keep trashed content in the trash folder without emptying it.
And for your second question, it’s not possible to mark something as spam without banning the author. The way to think about this is that ‘spam’ really does mean ‘spam’, in other words content from a non-legitimate user that absolutely doesn’t belong in the community. Those reports will be taken into our machine learning / AI spam filter to learn from.
A topic or comment from a legitimate user that crosses the boundaries of your community terms, to us wouldn’t be considered spam. That’s something you’d want to trash (or potentially move somewhere private). And of course, in that case you’d want to be able to determine if the user was banned or not yourself. I’d recommend designing the guidelines like this.