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How To Configure Ranks

  • February 6, 2018
  • 7 replies

  • Product Guru
  • 22 replies

Want to keep your community members coming back for more? Create a system of ranks to create a sense of progression and status on your community, in order to encourage both new and old contributors to stay active. I wasn’t always so sure whether writing How To’s on inSpired was my bag. Then, one day, I received the unique rank ‘Product Guru’. Now I feel like I’ve got a reputation to live up to. Plus, maybe there’s a ‘Product God’ rank waiting for me somewhere...

How To Configure Ranks

  1. Go to Control > Users > Ranks > Add Rank.
  2. Add in the required details for your new rank: see the ‘List and explanation of Rank settings’ below for more information about each setting.
  3. Under ‘How to get this rank’, choose from the statistic-driven ‘Minimum value’ options or the role-based ‘Any of the following’/‘All of the following’ options.
  4. Under ‘What happens when you get this rank’, you can set up a custom private message to be sent to a member when they achieve a new rank (click here to learn more about this). You can also use ranks to trigger a new role for a member, or the removal of a role.
  5. Click ‘Save Changes’. Once you’ve added all the ranks you need, make sure you drag them into the correct order: from most complex (in terms of rules) at the top to least complex at the bottom.
  6. Finally, click ‘Rebuild’ - once you see the success message, your rank structure will be totally up to date!


Rank Setting Definitions:

  • Name: only visible in Control (for internal use).
  • Rank title: visible to all community members on the community frontend. Shown next to the member’s username, after the ‘Username icon’ (unless they change their settings so that their ‘user title’ is not shown).
  • Title styling: optionally set this up to visually distinguish between ranks.
  • Rank icon: shown at the bottom corner of the member’s avatar. Typically used to highlight special ranks for moderators and community managers. We currently support .png, .jpg, .jpeg, and .gif images for rank icons.
  • Username icon: this is shown next to the member’s username.

:gear:  Tips, Tricks, & Technical Bits

:arrow_up:  Ranks are applied from top to bottom. Make sure your ranks are ordered (in terms of rules) from most complex at the top, to least complex at the bottom. Otherwise, the more complex ranks will be overridden by the less complex ones.

⚠️ If you ever make any changes to the configuration of ranks (reorder, add, edit, delete), you’ll need to hit ‘Rebuild’ to reflect these changes on your community. This recalculates ranks for members of your community, which may take a while if you have a significant number of members (e.g. over 50k).

💎 ‘Minimum age in seconds’ refers to the time in seconds since a user’s account was created, not since the user was born - inSided technology isn’t quite there...yet.

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  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 39 replies
  • March 26, 2020


I am currently reviewing my rankstructure. 

Could anyone explain to me what '’minimum age in seconds'’ means?  



  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 730 replies
  • March 27, 2020

Hey @Hiewwaiy - ‘Minimum age in seconds’ refers to the time in seconds since a user’s account was created.

Hope that helps!

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • March 31, 2021
daniel.boon wrote:

Hey @Hiewwaiy - ‘Minimum age in seconds’ refers to the time in seconds since a user’s account was created.

Hope that helps!


Hi Daniel, I was just lookking into this. My problem with this variable is that I cannot find a way to understand to check this on our current users. I can see posts, likes, answers, etc but I don’t know age in seconds so it’s difficult to calibrate it on the ranks structure. 

Same with logins. Anywhere I can see that?

Any suggestions?


  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • April 7, 2021

Hey @daniel.boon, I guess you haven’t seen the above comment… so @mentioning you just in case!

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • April 7, 2021

Our beloved Daniel is currently on holidays - but I might be able to help you here as well. I also first had to get used to the "age in seconds” value and how to apply this properly.

From what I read, I think you might be approaching this from another end than how I am used to work with this: You'd like to check the age in seconds from users, to then define what should be set for specific rank rules. I usually do this the other way around: I determine which ranks should only be reached after a certain time, to prevent users from progressing too fast. Two examples:

For beginner ranks, I usually add this rule for the second or third rank a user can achieve. This way, users who just registered but are very active (e.g. to troubleshoot an issue they are having) will not jump three ranks within a day. This helps especially when you have messaging attached to a rank. A user who is looking for help, but receives 2-3 rank up messages within the same day, will probably not enjoy this experience. So I just go and calculate what 1-2 days are in seconds and add that to the rules.

For expert ranks, I sometimes also add such a time dimension, for example if I only want a user to be allowed to reach a Superuser / expert rank after being active for at least 6 / 12 months. This is just to put a bit of a break on super-active users, and to protect the expert ranks for true veterans on a community. Again, here I calculate the seconds based on my own decision and not on user data.

If you are really interested in getting some data here, you will be able to find that in a user export. This includes the “join date”, which, together with a day calculator can give you the days (and consequently seconds) since their registration.

The reason why we don't explicitly display seconds since registration e.g. in a user profile page: This rank rule is the only item which handles information in this format, and as it is not very often used this information is also not displayed explicitly.

You mentioned the logins as well. We do offer a dedicated login export. I'd recommend you to download this for the time period which you want to analyze. If you combine this with a user export for the same period, you will get a decent overview of all accounts that registered in this period (e.g. posts, logins, age).

Please let me know if you have more questions around this, always happy to help! :)

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • February 24, 2022

I missed this message from you @Julian  but it’s pretty helpful, thanks. 

I’ve got another question. As we invite videoaskers to the community and they have a custom role when they sign up, I want to be able to customize their first and perhaps seocnd message (sender and copy) and also make sure they can keep ranking up to the rest of generic ranks. Let me explain maybe with a list (read from bottom to top pls as on InSIded. )


From here same ranks for all. 🔝

2 Rank: VideoAsk members: custom copy and sender.🔝

2 Rank: Registered users: custom copy and sender. 🔝

1 Rank: VideoAsk members: custom copy and sender. 🔝

1 Rank: Registered users: custom copy and sender 🔝


Does this make sense. I’m assuming I need use the  ‘Any of the following’/‘All of the following’ rules but not too sure how to achieve this.


Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • March 16, 2022

I second @Gabolino’s question above! Could you solve it already?


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