A Bug Blasting Blastoise has been summoned and has awoken!
It is I! The great Blastoise-ino! I was awoken by the sound of a damsel in distress. Fear not @timcavey for the Poke-Knight has appeared! XD
My magic has already found the cause and it seems to be a quirk of how things work. It seems to work fine as long as you’re navigating pages using the options at the bottom of multi-page threads, but not when you jump directly to specific comments. And I can see why too!
Jumping directly to a comment appends this onto the end of the URL
However, navigating between pages the normal way does this instead - assuming you’re going to page 4 that is! Replace 4 with the page number you’re after. :)
The former triggers this quirk, but the latter works as intended. It sounds like the “Show First Post” is triggered based on the /index parameter being present on the URL which doesn’t happen when you fast jump directly to a comment.
I wish I’d spotted that bug sooner! XD