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I configured a field on the Plan Info tab to be editable. However, I found that some CSMs can edit that field and some CAN'T. Is there another place in the settings that controls who can edit an editable field on the Plan Info tab???
Nevermind!! I got this figured out 😛 😃
Hi Faust, I am experiencing the same issue.  I have 2 fields that are editable by myself (and other admins) but the CSM's can't edit them.  How did you figure it out??
HI Kate! You can edit the accessibility of the field within Salesforce. If you've got admin access to those fields, just go to Setup > Build > Customize or Create (depending on what object the field is on) > Choose the Object > Choose the field. If you've got Salesforce admins, they should be pretty familiar with where that is. 🙂 I hope that helps!
I connected with my Salesforce admin and we both couldn't find the two fields in question, "Organization's Objectives" and "90 Day Objectives & Measures of Success":  

These are Success Plan fields but they don't show up in the Success Plans data space so I'm not really sure where to find them! 
I think this should be in the CTAGroup object.
Thanks Karl for the mental boost.  I recall now that I renamed these fields from their original "Company Highlights" and "Description", which are visible under the CTA Group object.  Neither are set to Read-Only though, so I'm confused as to why they aren't editable by the CSM and are editable by admins.  I have a case open with Cameron right now he's checking on it! 
Salesforce permissions are an infinite well of confusing. 
