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New Idea

Adoption Scorecard v HealthScorecard

Related products:CS Scorecards



returning from TSIA conference last week, and during a breakout session on how to drive customer adoption of your product, I realised that some of our health metrics where indeed focused on adoption and these are not neccessarily as important to the customer as measuring outcomes.. a

and so I am considering creating two scorecards for each customer (subject to segmentation) 

  1. Adoption Scorecard
  2. Customer Health Scorecard 

Intentions are that we can bring more metrics into measures but not dilute the impact of more as different alignment - Adoption is going to more focus during onboarding and Year 1 and then overides by measuring more of the value objections important to the customer… and any dip in adoption in Yr 2 - 3 can indicate a churn risk … 

Has anyone else taken this approach ? 

are there gotchas I am missing ? 

BTW, these are metrics fed via Snowflake connection from our DW, no extra efforts by our CSM 

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