Yes, it finally happened! As of now, you are able to manually award badges to your users!
Now we realise that many of you were waiting for this feature to become available - and that the wait was long
As the top voted idea of this year with 47 votes, we are happy to tell you that we have added several improvements to make it easy to use with lots of flexibility . We hope you find this feature helpful for activating members to share their expert knowledge, encourage positive behaviour by rewarding users who go the extra mile, and generally just adding a sense of fun to your community!
Check out our challenge further down below for your chance to win a 100€ voucher!
Show off your creativity with the new manually award badges feature and win!
With manually award badges you can:
Award badges to individual users, or up to 50 in one go.
Revoke badges from individual users.
See a list of badges a user has earned on their profile page in Control.
Filter the user overview to show users who have received a certain badge.
Integrate other systems with our API endpoints for awarding & revoking badges.
We have created a complete tutorial which can be found here.

The challenge - share your most inSpiring use case and win an Amazon voucher!
We would love if you could share your own favourite idea for awarding badges manually - this way we all benefit. This is why we created a challenge to see what the best use case for this feature could be! The challenge itself is quite simple:
- Share your favourite use case of manually awarding a badge in the comments. The top 3 users who shared the ideas with the most amount of likes will win a voucher.
- As we have customers who work in large teams as well as “one-man-shows”, we have to limit the way we count likes to keep it fair. Per company a max amount of two likes (including your own
) will be counted, even if e.g. your 5 colleagues have voted.
- The competition will end on the 18th of December 15:00 CET. Winners will be announced afterwards.
And here an overview of what you can win:
1st place: 100 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN/UK) + an exclusive inSided badge
2nd place: 50 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN) + an exclusive inSided badge
3rd place: 30 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN) + an exclusive inSided badge
So - what is the use case you’ve been dreaming of for your own community? Some tips:
Describe your use case as clear as possible, so that everyone gets how your vision looks like
Include visuals, links or anything that makes your submission entertaining
Best submit your idea before the next newsletter goes out (always last Thursday of the month - next one is Thursday 28 November)
Be nice and vote if you read a cool idea here to support our competition
Of course this is not only about winning, but mostly about sharing genuine, valuable ideas with each other. Happy posting and good luck to all of you!