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​​Highlight contributions & expertise with manually awarded badges (& win a 100€ voucher!) 🚀

Related products:CC Gamification & Engagement
​​Highlight contributions & expertise with manually awarded badges (& win a 100€ voucher!) 🚀
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 908 replies

Yes, it finally happened! 🙂 As of now, you are able to manually award badges to your users! :trophy::medal::tada: Now we realise that many of you were waiting for this feature to become available - and that the wait was long ​​​:calendar_spiral: .

As the top voted idea of this year with 47 votes, we are happy to tell you that we have added several improvements to make it easy to use with lots of flexibility :rocket:. We hope you find this feature helpful for activating members to share their expert knowledge, encourage positive behaviour by rewarding users who go the extra mile, and generally just adding a sense of fun to your community!

Check out our challenge further down below for your chance to win a 100€ voucher! ​​​​​​ :money_with_wings: 
Show off your creativity with the new manually award badges feature and win!

With manually award badges you can:

✅ Award badges to individual users, or up to 50 in one go.

✅ Revoke badges from individual users.

✅ See a list of badges a user has earned on their profile page in Control.

✅ Filter the user overview to show users who have received a certain badge.

✅ Integrate other systems with our API endpoints for awarding & revoking badges.


We have created a complete tutorial which can be found here.



The challenge - share your most inSpiring use case and win an Amazon voucher!

We would love if you could share your own favourite idea for awarding badges manually - this way we all benefit. This is why we created a challenge to see what the best use case for this feature could be! The challenge itself is quite simple:

  1. Share your favourite use case of manually awarding a badge in the comments. The top 3 users who shared the ideas with the most amount of likes will win a voucher.
  2. As we have customers who work in large teams as well as “one-man-shows”, we have to limit the way we count likes to keep it fair. Per company a max amount of two likes (including your own :wink: ) will be counted, even if e.g. your 5 colleagues have voted.
  3. The competition will end on the 18th of December 15:00 CET. Winners will be announced afterwards.

And here an overview of what you can win:

:first_place:1st place: 100 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN/UK) + an exclusive inSided badge

:second_place:2nd place: 50 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN) + an exclusive inSided badge

:third_place:3rd place: 30 Euro voucher (or in $/£ for US/CAN) + an exclusive inSided badge


So - what is the use case you’ve been dreaming of for your own community? Some tips:

:thumbsup: Describe your use case as clear as possible, so that everyone gets how your vision looks like

:thumbsup: Include visuals, links or anything that makes your submission entertaining

:thumbsup:Best submit your idea before the next newsletter goes out (always last Thursday of the month - next one is Thursday 28 November)

:thumbsup:Be nice and vote if you read a cool idea here to support our competition

Of course this is not only about winning, but mostly about sharing genuine, valuable ideas with each other. Happy posting and good luck to all of you!

16 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 730 replies
  • November 20, 2019

Special thanks to all our beta testers who provided their feedback - you all really helped us improve the feature! @Ditte@bjoern_schulze@Jurgen, @Drew C., @lila_meyer & @David T-Mobile! 🤩

As the pioneers of this feature, it would be great if  you guys can already share your opinion of it (& details about how you plan to use it, so you can get a headstart on the challenge :wink: ).

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 167 replies
  • November 20, 2019

The use case we’re looking most forwards to utilizing, is highlighting users that write great content, with a special, one off badge, and a call out in a weekly update to the community.

This week/month’s winner of the (most liked post) is (username) with (xx) likes on (this post), explaining/clarifying/sharing details around (something).” 

That way users get a unique badge that nobody else has.

We’re thinking of rolling it out to Most likes, Most helpful post, Best technical explanation, and Most engaging topic, during a specific time period. Potentially starting monthly and rolling it out to weekly or fortnightly as we see fit.

Mind you we’ve not started yet, however this is part of our incentive strategy for 2020, and we’re excited to finally being able to give customers something unique, that is special to them, and them alone. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • November 20, 2019

We’re initially planning on implementing the following manual badges:

Alumni - We have a power user program in our community and every single user who has ever been a part of this program will get an Alumni badge. This way we show appreciation to everyone who has ever been a power user and who has contributed with their activity and input to the success of the community.

Ten Year Club - As our community approaches its 10th anniversary, we’ll be starting to give out manual badges to users who reach their personal 10th anniversary in the community and are still active until today (or still have been active within the past few months).

Community Author - As we are pushing User Generated Content by offering users to test hardware and write reviews, as well as offering them to post turorials or personal articles regarding “mobile lifestyle”, we will be rewarding each user who contributes with a Community Author badge, showing apprecation to their engagement in widening the community’s range from a service oriented to a more social and dialogue driven community.

I also think we will steal @Ditte’s concept regarding a special badge for extraordinary content. ;)  

In the long run we want to find even more use cases for badges. Our ideas mostly revolve around automatic goals and rewards, but we also have ideas for other manual badges that just need a little more detailed preparation (e.g. participation badges for events or beta tests).

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 167 replies
  • November 20, 2019

Another idea for badges is the ‘cheeky outage’ badge. While we can’t add a timebound badge (User online between (date/time) and (date/time)) we can manually award badges to users active in an outage topic.

For instance Badge for “Survived the great (service) outage of 30th February 2025” It’s really cheeky, but it’s fun 😃 (Yes, I know that’s not a real date anymore…)


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • November 20, 2019

Here are my utilitarian uses: 

Certified User - We offer certification on our products via our learning center. I’ll be awarding members who have passed the courses and exam with a certification badge. 

Conference Speakers - When we have a customer or partner who speaks at our conference, or on our behalf at another conference, I’d give them a speaker badge. 

Conference Attendees - I’d like to give our World Conference attendees a badge. 


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • November 20, 2019

And my fun ones!

Our gamification is around Heroes. We’re planning to award “Hero of the Quarter” and “Hero of the Year” to one hero per quarter/year. I’m thinking the Hero of the Quarter badge will move from one user to the next - but former hotq or hoty will get an alumni/former hotq badge. 

I also like the idea of doing superlatives once a year - Most Helpful, Most Likely to Answer, Rookie of the Year, etc. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1447 replies
  • November 20, 2019

Lots of good ideas above, including some I hope to borrow in the coming year!

@Kgastaldo already shared the use cases that I had in mind, but to quickly summarize…

Certified Admins - we have a certification program for Gainsight Admins, and I manually awarded a badge to all those Community members who are certified.

Conference Speakers - I was thinking of doing this too for our Pulse conference speakers, until I realized most of these people are probably not on our Community today, and we don’t have much content today that would likely engage them. (our Community is most heavily utilized by the Gainsight Admins today)

As for feedback on the functionality, I would really appreciate the ability to upload a file of members, and/or the ability to search for them by name and select them. It’s very tedious to have to lookup their member usernames in another screen, and then come back and paste them into the badge page. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 730 replies
  • November 20, 2019
lilakmeyer wrote:

As for feedback on the functionality, I would really appreciate the ability to upload a file of members, and/or the ability to search for them by name and select them. It’s very tedious to have to lookup their member usernames in another screen, and then come back and paste them into the badge page. 

Thanks for the feedback Lila - for the public release we added the ability to search for users by name and select them on the ‘award badge to users’ page 🙂 - hope that makes things a little less tedious!

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • November 20, 2019

Preach on the upload file! If I could get a master email list of people who did something (IE attended our conference or got certified) and could upload the whole thing, that’d be ideal. It would just award the badge to people who are there and skip over those that are not (based on email). 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • December 6, 2019
bjoern_schulze wrote:

Alumni - We have a power user program in our community and every single user who has ever been a part of this program will get an Alumni badge. This way we show appreciation to everyone who has ever been a power user and who has contributed with their activity and input to the success of the community.

I want to give the inSpired community some insights about the Alumni badge.

We’ve successfully launched and awarded this badge to about 50 users of our community, while also using the message function within the badge to send a PM to each of them. The PM basically said: “Today we want to thank and acknowledge you for your contribution to the success of our community ...”. Most of recipients had been super users years ago and haven’t been active on the community for years.

We’ve gotten responses from about 30% of the recipients, all within 72 hours, each of them thanking us for this recognition, often even apologizing for being inactive for so long. Their response gave us an opening to get a new dialogue going with them.

One single user reacted negatively, due to the fact that he just had to leave our super user program involuntarily (and in general having a “ special character”). It wasn’t enough for him to be able to hide badges in his profile so I removed the badge again.

All in all we’re very happy about the outcome. A 30% conversion rate, combined with such a positive feedback, doesn’t happen often. And we are optimistic to be able to convert some of them to active users again.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 730 replies
  • December 6, 2019

As an inSider I’ll exclude myself from the competition but wanted to share my use case here anyway 😉.

@Ditte and @bjoern_schulze went the extra mile and helped us test this new manually award badges feature in clickable prototype format, which really helped us understand where we had made false assumptions (where they’d expect to find this functionality, how they’d expect it to work). 

As a reward they’ve earned the new ‘UX Tester’ badge on inSpired! 🙂. On the product team we love to make sure we’ve nailed our designs so we always appreciate it when you guys take time out of your busy day to help us improve the product.


  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 908 replies
  • December 6, 2019

congrats Bjoern & Ditte, and thanks for everyone who shared use cases and voted on others! :)

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 908 replies
  • December 19, 2019

Hey all,

I am very happy to announce that we have some winners for our challenge. :)

  1. @Ditte for the idea of Badges for top-performing contributers of a week
  2. @bjoern_schulze for his idea of using Badges for all active & inactive power users
  3. @Kgastaldo for the idea of announcing “Hero of the quarter/year”-users

As the second and third place have received the same amount of likes for their contributions, we will give both the same reward for the second place of course. :)

You will receive your very own, exclusive Badge as well as your reward after the holidays. Thanks a lot again for all users who submitted their ideas here! :hearts:

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 167 replies
  • December 19, 2019


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • December 19, 2019

Woohoo! Just in time for the holidays. Thanks for the fun money - and also the functionality!


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • December 19, 2019

Whoop Whoop!


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