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New Idea


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  • December 2, 2016
  • 1 reply


We have run into a situation in GE where they have a lot of workflows running on the backend. There is nothing we can do to work around this situation. What happens is when we run a rule it batches the 100 and if a record is being checked out... its fails the whole batch. 

It would be helpful on rules engine to give the option to select "batch size" when processing rules engine results. This would at least allow us to reduce the number of failed records if this situation were to arise. Ideally, It would be great to ONLY fail the records being checked out and not the whole batch, but not sure if thats possible. Finally, the rule results spreadsheet doesn't tell us which records or which batches failed. This makes backfilling partially runs nearly impossible. 

Although this request is for GE, we are seeing this issue arise in these large Jupiter Customers. 

1 reply

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 534 replies
  • December 5, 2016
Definitely, this is an important config. It is important to understand that the reduced batch size would not solve the issue but reduce the probability of the occurrence. 


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