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Community Product Updates – June 25, 2018

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 392 replies
A more lengthy update this time. Our teams delivered the long awaited Third-party Scripts feature. This feature allows you to add external scripts to your community. We made the navigation bar colors configurable in control allowing you to change the look and feel of this element. A lot of under the hood changes have been made to make your communities work even better. Keep on reading to learn more.

Configure navigation bar colors 🎨

You can now change the background- and text colors for your community navigation bar. By default these colors are inherited from the generic color scheme. Configure your colors in Control > Appearance > Navigation.

Third-party scripts ⌨️

Administrators can now empower their community with scripts from external services (third-parties) such as Google Analytics, Survey monkey and more. Go to Control > System Configuration > Third-party scripts to see it yourself.

Read our how-to to get started with injecting external scripts: How To Add Third-party Scripts to Your Community

Improvements 🤕

- We’ve added extra phrases to the live-edit tool. Now you can edit the placeholder text (hinting text found in input fields) of the title, description and tags field in the Create topic page. We made the placeholder text for the reply field is also editable.

- Adjustments to the @mention feature in the WYSIWYG editor have been made. Now it should display a more accurate list of users that you can mention.

- Some elements were sharing the ‘placeholder’ and ‘meta’ color configuration. We improved the configuration so that only the right elements will get a color change if you update the color configuration in Control.

Fixed 🐛

- Whenever a reply is deleted it won’t appear in the user's activity stream anymore.

- A little bug displayed a default avatar in the profile activity stream of a user, but the user’s avatar returned again.

- Sorting your own replies page from new to old and vice versa works again.

- We fixed a bug where users could highlight topics in the sidebar or in a banner when they knew the right moderator tag. Whoops.

- No longer will the Cookie bar keep showing when not logged in.

- Some issues around counters for followers, following and topic views. All numbers should be aligned again.

- The ‘Control’ button in the community side links to the Control environment again.

That’s all for this update. If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions for improvements get in touch with us 👇

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