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C360 Report Section Size

  • September 5, 2017
  • 7 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 12 replies
Hey Teams,

This is Logan from Support. We've heard a few requests for some added configurational options on C360 sections. Specifically; when reports on C360 sections have little data, they are accompanied with an unattractive amount of "white-space". (Example from my demo Org below)
Our customers have expressed their desire to be able to adjust the space for reports on the C360 to at least minimize the amount of wasted space like in the above scenario. 
Thanks for your consideration. 

Logan Thome

7 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 460 replies
  • September 6, 2017
This is a sensible request.  We can look into what is possible but I will explain why it works this way.  We don't know ahead of time how large the report will be so allocate a fixed space for it.  If instead we made the spacing dynamic based on how large the report turned out to be then as the various reports load the spacing would jump around.  That is actually how 360 worked a couple years back and it could be pretty awkward as stuff kept moving up and down the page as things loaded.  I am not arguing that it is great to have the white space in this sort of scenario but wanted to give you a sense of the tradeoffs here. 

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 1 reply
  • September 6, 2017
Hi Karl, thanks for the clarity. Would an acceptable option be to allow us to define the height in admin settings? We could then set a size that works well for the content we've defined.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 460 replies
  • September 6, 2017
Could make sense.  I will discuss with the team. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 190 replies
  • September 6, 2017
Hi Logan, 
We will try experimenting by allowing user to set height only for reports - Allowing height as option will not be difficult at all. 
However as Karl mentioned - if Multiple sections in a Viewport load at a time, the sections shift up and down causing visual distress, that is one thing we will have to solve. 

Apart from that we just have to test out usability and accessibility and take a call.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 460 replies
  • November 11, 2017

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 15 replies
  • November 13, 2017
Hi Karl,

For the record, we also have an enhancement request around this exact issue. Thanks for the quick response!

In addition to Dan's suggestion below, I would also submit that if the data falls outside of the defined range, the window should be scrollable. I'd like to see this for any of the windows on the C/R360 pages.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 91 replies
  • April 24, 2018
+1 to Dan's suggestion.  


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