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PX Template Home - Quick survey to understand the most important need(s)

  • March 8, 2022
  • 1 reply

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 263 replies

Hello Community,                                            
We are planning on a new Template Home and are looking forward to get an understanding of the important requirements in the process of overall Template Management. Please note the below is not an exhaustive list, feel free to provide as much inputs as possible which will help us solve Template Home better.

  1. Template Creation
    1. Is the overall process of Template Creation easy? Do you feel Template Creation and Engagement Creation should be independent process?
    2. Are Template Creators and Engagement Creators different personas in your organisation? Do the Template Creators need access to your application to visualise the type of templates they are creating?
    3. Are your templates based on use-cases or the templates are On-demand?Eg: Templates for Feature Announcement, Walkthroughs, Quick Surveys.
  2. Template Editing
    1. Do templates get edited often? If yes, please explain a scenario when would Template needs editing and how frequently?
    2. Need for Global Standard libraries for Font, Colours, Images etc? The assumption here is standard rules are in place for what a template should look like.
    3. How critical is Audit of Template versions over a period of time? 
  3. Template Management
    1. Deleting/ Archiving old templates? Is this high frequency action?
    2. Control over who can edit templates? Eg: Engagement creator cannot change styling but only the content inside a Template.
    3. In case of multi products, are Templates specific to products or centralised? 


Few existing posts for reference:


1 reply

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 271 replies
  • March 22, 2022

Thanks for raising these questions. Please see my responses below.

  1. Template Creation
    1. Is the overall process of Template Creation easy? Do you feel Template Creation and Engagement Creation should be independent process? - I like that you can save an engagement as a template. That is an easy process. 
    2. Are Template Creators and Engagement Creators different personas in your organisation? Do the Template Creators need access to your application to visualise the type of templates they are creating? - They are different personas. The Template Creators need to test out engagements against applications to validate that the template will work. 
    3. Are your templates based on use-cases or the templates are On-demand?Eg: Templates for Feature Announcement, Walkthroughs, Quick Surveys. - We want to create templates based on our guidelines and the use cases for providing self-help. These are templates for release announcements, guided tours, interactive engagements, etc.
  2. Template Editing
    1. Do templates get edited often? If yes, please explain a scenario when would Template needs editing and how frequently? - We are in the early stages of implementation, so as we learn more about using the product, we edit the templates. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem possible to edit a template, so we are naming some of our engagements as templates and editing those. After our initial roll-out of self-help engagements, I expect that templates will rarely need to be edit.
    2. Need for Global Standard libraries for Font, Colours, Images etc? The assumption here is standard rules are in place for what a template should look like. Yes, please! Alternatively, if we could push CSS updates in the template to all engagements based on the template, that would work.
    3. How critical is Audit of Template versions over a period of time? This would be good for both templates and engagements.
  3. Template Management
    1. Deleting/ Archiving old templates? Is this high frequency action? - This would be rare
    2. Control over who can edit templates? Eg: Engagement creator cannot change styling but only the content inside a Template. - Keep separate who can create/edit templates from who can create/edit engagements. If engagement creators cannot changes the global CSS, that would be great. They might still need to make changes to step CSS in their engagement.
    3. In case of multi products, are Templates specific to products or centralised?  - We want to centralize templates. That is another reason that we are using engagement “templates” instead of actual templates.

Other requests for templates:

  • Allow us to set the environment (e.g. Staging) in the template. 
  • Allow us to set whether the engagement can be launched or is for a KC bot.
  • Allow us to enter placeholders for the Audience. 
  • Allow us to create KC bot templates that can be centralized and used across products. KC bot templates could not include engagements, but they could have tabs and categories set up. Ideally, there could be global links (such as to Support and Education) that we could add to the KC bot template.



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