We've been seeing some spam creep onto the community over the last few weeks. Often out of working hours. I'm wondering how do people process this and deal with it best?
Of course Insided is doing a lot to help win the SPAM wars, which is appreciated, but it still requires some effort from the community manager.
What we're doing at the moment:
- Someone (usually a superuser) spots the spam and reports this to the community manager, via Whatsapp.
- If the superuser has access, they might 'mark as spam'
- If available and required, a community manager will login and 'mark as spam'
- The offending user will also be banned.
- We're proactively looking at triggers for spam - sporting events etc. When we're likely to see posts.
We're already looking to remind the superusers of their ability to 'mark as spam' if they see any, so it's handled in one go. The community manager then only has to deal with the user.
How do you tackle this in your community?