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Community Digest Email

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 9 replies

Like Quora sends you daily/weekly digested insights can we enable something like that to all community users out of the box? 

Best answer by Anonymous

Hi all,

Rather than wait, I sought out an update from my InSided CSM about this and here’s what they shared:


The post you are referring was an early reference to the email campaigns feature which is indefinitely postponed as communicated here: The guidance for now remains to find another way to send out these kinds of emails by exporting users from the community to make a list and then using a 3rd party email platform.

So this is dead now 💀 and looks like you’ll all need to find other options. 

Maybe @Julian or @Jeanie Lee can update the correct answer on this post to avoid future requests to get an update. 

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22 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • July 31, 2020

I like that idea! I used to get these kind of emails from the Feverbee community and I think it is a good way to remember users of the community and its value. Images are broken by now, but this is kind of how it looked like:


We do not have a feature yet to automatically send a digest to users - however I have seen that there is someting coming soon which will hopefully enable you to do something like that. I don’t want to spill the beans too soon, as this is a work-in-progress and some things might change. But hopefully we will be able to share some news in this direction with you in the next few weeks. :)

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 1447 replies
  • July 31, 2020

Also, this idea is related, but a little different. We’re asking for user’s to have the option to receive a summary digest of email notifs. instead of many individual emails. Check it out if you haven’t already! :smile:

Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • April 28, 2021
Julian wrote:

I have seen that there is something coming soon which will hopefully enable you to do something like that. I don’t want to spill the beans too soon, as this is a work-in-progress and some things might change. But hopefully we will be able to share some news in this direction with you in the next few weeks. :)


I would love to see a similar feature.
Are there any updates on this? 😇

  • Contributor ⭐️
  • 1 reply
  • June 8, 2021

We’d love to see this also—this is something that Influitive was really good at and the email digests were great at driving engagement!

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 11 replies
  • June 24, 2021

Hi @Julian any news on this one?

  • 0 replies
  • July 6, 2021

+1 would love to get an update

David T-Mobile
  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 19 replies
  • July 7, 2021

Another +1 for an update! :grin:

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 59 replies
  • July 14, 2021

Scrolling through this - 

“Oh awesome! This post saying there is something coming soon was 11 months ago. There must be something now!” 

“Oh, okay - checking in 2 months ago. That’s not good.” 

“7 days ago.. crap. There’s nothing, is there...” 


+1 for an update. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 536 replies
  • July 14, 2021
tiffany.oda wrote:

Scrolling through this - 

“Oh awesome! This post saying there is something coming soon was 11 months ago. There must be something now!” 

“Oh, okay - checking in 2 months ago. That’s not good.” 

“7 days ago.. crap. There’s nothing, is there...” 


+1 for an update. 

Always read the smallprint! :rofl: Especially before you sign on the dotted line. :sunglasses:

There is a workaround though. Sort of…

But yeah, it would be kinda nice to have this in the future.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 4 replies
  • July 16, 2021

100% need this! With you all on this one @Scott Baldwin @tiffany.oda I’m in soft launch mode and I am hearing this as a feature that is needed loud and clear. 

  • 0 replies
  • July 16, 2021

In the meantime I’ve ended up leveraging our Announcements category and building out my digest there. While I can’t send it via email via inSided we will explore ways to do this outside of the platform. Frankly even having the option to be able to alert everyone in the community to new content and pull them back to read it would be better than nothing. It’s like we’re missing the equivalent of @everyone @here @channel like you have in Slack.

  • 0 replies
  • Answer
  • July 17, 2021

Hi all,

Rather than wait, I sought out an update from my InSided CSM about this and here’s what they shared:


The post you are referring was an early reference to the email campaigns feature which is indefinitely postponed as communicated here: The guidance for now remains to find another way to send out these kinds of emails by exporting users from the community to make a list and then using a 3rd party email platform.

So this is dead now 💀 and looks like you’ll all need to find other options. 

Maybe @Julian or @Jeanie Lee can update the correct answer on this post to avoid future requests to get an update. 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 93 replies
  • August 24, 2021

+1 for an update on this. My dream implementation would look like:

  • Members can choose the frequency of digests when they create an account, otherwise the default set in Control is used
  • They can customise which categories to receive recommendations from
  • The Community Team can customise the look & feel of the digest emails
  • The Community Team can manually curate what content is included in the digests in each period or allow the platform to select content based on popularity / engagement metrics

In the meantime @tiffany.oda @Scott Baldwin @Blastoise186 - there’s got to be a way of  hacking an automation together for this with Zapier? I’ll have a play and see if I can come up with something…..

Chris Hackett
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 76 replies
  • November 2, 2021

+1 for an update on this. I have only been using the product for a month and have already had several requests for an email digest. 

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 18 replies
  • November 3, 2021

In my previous job, I worked with to run our community. They have a digest email feature and it is cheaper and leaner than Insided. We find this kind of feature to be almost necessary these days... Please consider adding it to your roadmap soon.

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • November 29, 2021
Julian wrote:

I like that idea! I used to get these kind of emails from the Feverbee community and I think it is a good way to remember users of the community and its value. Images are broken by now, but this is kind of how it looked like:


We do not have a feature yet to automatically send a digest to users - however I have seen that there is someting coming soon which will hopefully enable you to do something like that. I don’t want to spill the beans too soon, as this is a work-in-progress and some things might change. But hopefully we will be able to share some news in this direction with you in the next few weeks. :)

A consistent theme from users (power and infrequent) of our community is how difficult it is to stay on top of themes/categories of interest so I casually mentioned, I’ll figure out Insided’s weekly digest and get back to them only to see that it’s Not available??

@Julian, you shared some hope about a year back. Surely this is a Hot need unanimously felt. Any idea if it is on the roadmap?

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • December 6, 2021

@Julian , @Marion Frecaut just checking that the @mentions didn't fall through the cracks of the platform indeed? :)

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • December 7, 2021

Email Digest is critical because ‘Subscribe’ don’t have enough granular controls.

Getting underlined by a user again. @Julian, you can share if this is planned or not planned? 

@anirbandutta Thanks -- that helps a little bit. 

But I’m not seeing a daily or weekly digest option.  That’s what would actually be helpful.  I’d like to scan a list of items to stay aware of various discussions, and then choose which ones I want to drill into.


  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 6 replies
  • December 8, 2021

Hi Anirban, thanks for sharing. Increasing engagement and getting members to return to the community is definitely a focus area for our product team and email digests is a potential roadmap candidate. There is no specific solution defined and no planning yet. Would be great if you can share your perspectives (and potentially data points) in the idea section of this community, eg by contributing to this idea or sharing your own idea in case your solution would look differently. This way your vision will be structured input for our product team.

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • December 9, 2021
HaikoK wrote:

Hi Anirban, thanks for sharing. Increasing engagement and getting members to return to the community is definitely a focus area for our product team and email digests is a potential roadmap candidate. There is no specific solution defined and no planning yet. Would be great if you can share your perspectives (and potentially data points) in the idea section of this community, eg by contributing to this idea or sharing your own idea in case your solution would look differently. This way your vision will be structured input for our product team.

This idea @HaikoK is pushing 3yrs now, as relevant as ever with usage e.g.s and quotes spread across multiple threads; need it wait on more data points to plan to get delivered? :)

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • December 9, 2021

Sorry for being late to the party, unfortunately I was swamped with different important projects and did not find the time to give a proper response here, which I think it surely deserves. :wink:

Now before I start with this, I am not part of the product team so I can only speak from my own knowledge and experience, which is limted in this area. But of course this is a recurring topic since a while now, and it is not the first time that I am thinking about it.

I do not believe that there is anything speaking against such a feature in particular, or that specific data points are missing - it just helps us to form a better informed decision. I am sure many here at inSided would also like to have something like that. It is more a topic of balancing priorities and cost/benefit until a certain degree which can cause an idea to take longer to be realized:

In the 6-7 years that I have been working with this platform, we have come a very long way. Our platform is quite complex, multiple areas with features that are deeply connected. Around three years ago, we started with important infrastructure programs to de-clutter the coding behind the curtains, to free us from many limitations and risks our platform had accumulated over the years.

At the same time, also due to these excercises, we were accelerating our product development massively to improve core aspects of the platform to meet the demand and feedback from our customers. Think for example of all the new modules (Knowledge Base, Product Updates, Events, Groups, also a review / seperate module for ideation) or very handy features (wysiwyg-editor, Customization mode, Self-Service Badges, etc.) that massively improved the experience of you and your users.

Of course producing bigger, completely new features take time and focus. I am proud to say that especially in 2021, we were able to deliver on a bunch of significant, popular and also older ideas.

Nevertheless it always has to be thought through very well which bigger topics we can tackle next. In the context of this specific feature, we know that there are other tools out there that already offer sending email campaigns. Of course this is not an automated digest like described here, but it is a viable workaround.

If you now take into account how much time we have to invest in building a new mailing system (the notification system does not qualifiy for this unfortunately), plus an automated logic that calculates interesting topics (per recipiant), than this means a significant commitment of our ressources.

Knowing the investment needed to build something big enables us to compare this with other, similar important improvements that we can make in the same time. So if we find other, very good and valuable ideas that we want to bring to life as well but can be achieved with less impact, this can result in features not being picked up until we feel it is the right time for it. We are then rather deciding in favour of another improvement than against a certain improvement.

This is just a high-level response, there would be even more I could show and tell you as examples. What I can say though is that we surely try, e.g. did we work for a while on an email-campaign feature (which you could see as a first step towards an email digest functionality), however we also had to halt this due to the sheer complexity and teams running out of time they could invest. Hopefully you will see this as a sign that we actually have made some steps and learnings in the meantime which will hopefully help us in the future to build this.

We are usually not commiting to these things if they will not be worked on in the next 3-5 monthts. This does not mean that there is no likelihood of such a feature coming next year. We are just not at a stage where we can commit to this.

For further information on how we are working with ideas / build our product roadmap based on your feedback, I can recommend this article, also check my latest reply that goes a bit more into detail on the popularity of an idea:

And if you have more questions around this, please let me know!

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • December 10, 2021

Thanks for the candid and exhaustive response @Julian, appreciative of your passion from 1 Cmgr to another. 👍👍

As Cmgrs we can decide to offer transparency if nothing else about the Complexity of Prod Dev. involving so many teams, it’s totally understandable how it is incredibly more difficult to ship features than end users may believe to be.

End users however represent the real world. Real usage and workstyle we have gotten used to over the years, and when we cant get that, we get stranded, it’s like trying to realign ourselves back in time when things were more web program based and less app based.

Given that scenario, as Cmgrs we also are expected to be resourceful to offer hacks to tide over this phase of allowing the tech to mature.

In this case the core problem is:

Unable to stay on top of topical threads on the Community - Ideas, Questions; content in general

So I'm thinking maybe the Tag feed for e.g. Success plans, ingested through an RSS xml, like in the olden days, served to people’s emails? Remember we used to IFTTT specific usages back in the day? But couldn't locate an xml url or an RSS - What good alt. hack can you think of today? Pl brainstorm a bit with me here.


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