When dealing with multiple products as we do, we tend to find more topics to moderate from backlogs to current topics.
It’s become especially harder to create a smoother workflow when we want to spend time to clear out the existing ones, and do not have the following options:
- To add tag topics on the overview page: this will help us to quickly move say questions to different sections based on the tags we choose or, close off topics based on particular tags amongst other actions.
- Previous/Next topic buttons: (this seems to be the most painful)
As there’s no preview option, one has to click into a thread to read the content and assess. Should the topic be good to go, navigating to the next topic to continue moderation workflow is broken -- especially when looking to clear off a category’s queue or wanting to add a message to a list of topics, it’s hard to having to go back to the list page each time to go to the next thread (that’s at least 3 clicks) per topic activity.
Do others face the same case/problem?