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Related topics widget, why it uses redirects?

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

We noticed that Related topics widget and the links there uses redirects:


For example the first link points here:

And after that user is forwarded to the final url:

Why is that? This isnt SEO critical issue though but it slows a bit the browser / user.

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • March 20, 2023

The “real” URLs Insided uses are not the SEO URLs we see. The # on the end of the URL redirects to the appropriate topic via a SEO friendly URL. 

but if you do a Zapier integration of webhook, you’ll often see in the data that a question URL is just “

While confusing, it’s one of my favorite features of Insided: it’s the magic behind URLs not breaking if you change the title of a topic. Because with SEO friendly URLs, changing the title changes the text in the URL and would typically break previous links. But this way, the ID on the end renders the right topic based on the ID at the end of the URL. 

I’m not sure why the widget uses that other structure, my guess is that it’s better performance (and more consistent) to pull through IDs (what the platform actually cares about) rather than an SEO friendly URL that might change as the title changes. 

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • March 20, 2023

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • March 21, 2023
ddpancratz wrote:

While confusing, it’s one of my favorite features of Insided: it’s the magic behind URLs not breaking if you change the title of a topic. Because with SEO friendly URLs, changing the title changes the text in the URL and would typically break previous links. But this way, the ID on the end renders the right topic based on the ID at the end of the URL. 

Yeah, Khoros has this feature as well, when the title is updated the platform redirects user to the right place. I think every community platform has this as well?

I explain my question with screenshots.

For example this link:

It has temporary redirect like this:


Alistair FIeld


The URL in the widget is a shortened version of the actual URL, which gets populated post redirection.


  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • March 21, 2023
Alistair FIeld wrote:


The URL in the widget is a shortened version of the actual URL, which gets populated post redirection.

Put why the solution is this, why the widget doesn´t have the destination url itself? I am not professional but we should avoid the redirects if possible?


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