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Moderator tags to list content on other subcategories

  • July 14, 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello! We have a number of user groups/categories on the Klaviyo Community that we are creating BFCM content for. We would like to be able to tag this content from each user group/category to be featured in a new BFCM subcategory to act as a “hub” of all related content across the community.

I am aware of the featured moderator tags but these only allow you to feature on the homepage or the subcategory where the content is nested. Is there a tag we can use to feature content on another specific subcategory other than where it is currently nested?

Thanks for your help!

1 reply

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 402 replies
  • July 18, 2023

Hi @Stephen.Trumble ?,

That sounds like an interesting use case but it’s not something that is currently possible, content belonging to a child category cannot be featured within another category.

What might work for this use case is creating a custom page specifically for BFCM content:

Custom pages sit outside the content hierarchy structure so you can feature content from multiple categories and modules here. There isn’t any tagging functionality so you would need to update these topics and widgets manually. Would this achieve what you are looking to do?


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