I just discovered this:
I duplicated an event (the new feature) in Control. (First, I couldn’t find the duplicate/draft, because draft events are on the bottom/in last page of the entire list in the event overview😅)
After I published the duplicated (and slightly updated) event, it was still marked as draft in Control.
I double checked and hit “publish now” several times.
The event was already displayed in the upcoming events tab in the community, but the status was still “draft” in Control. Only after a while, the status was “published”.
→ how long does it take to change the status in Control?
Then, I wanted to add this event to the featured topic widget on the home page, as usual. But it cannot be found. I checked several times. Even if I paste the entire correct name, I cannot add the event to this widget:

→ is there a solution to this? Does it take a while, too?