I have a user that I know (he confirmed) is using chatgpt to answer questions on our community. I’m working on our guidelines for acceptable use, etc, but in the interim I’ve asked him to stop.
However, i can tell from the clear variance in replies that he authors and those that chatgpt authors, especially when chatpgt adds bold emphasis and code
emphasis in neatly formed replies.
But here’s where I’m stuck.
When I copy/paste from chatpgt, slack, or other places with code
formatting, it doesn’t paste in that style.
I didn’t even know that code was an option here until today:

I know that ctrl+b / cmd+b works as a keyboard shortcut for bold. Does anyone know one for code? I’ve also asked in a reply here :
do you know of any ways to paste formatted text on the front end where the formatted text comes through?
Before I finalize my guidelines and processes for monitoring for use; I want to ensure I fully understand how it’s working.