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Updates via Timeline API

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 44 replies


I’m trying to follow the GS API documentation on updating timeline activities.

I want to move activities from one account to another. We normally send requests to GS to do it for us. It was suggested somewhere in the community that APIs can handle these updates. 

Here is my payload and response. The issue is that the activity does not get moved and no error code is provided. 

Put command and url:

Few questions along the way:

  1. I tested a zillion times by adding and removing the required fields Subject, Notes, and TypeName, but I do not need to make changes to any of these fields. Are they still mandatory as the documentation says? 
  2. The gsid below is the activity gsid; the company gsid is where I want to move the activity, and the company name is there because it was there in the examples, but I’m not sure it is required. Is this a required field for the look-up to work?
  3. I would like some documentation on how to read the look-up examples in the documentation. Is this lookup trying to find the account name by the gsid provided in the payload?

Response: "jobId": "97f0de1c-6fe4-4bb2-9961-c0f3cb6235cb"

   "jobId": "97f0de1c-6fe4-4bb2-9961-c0f3cb6235cb",

        "status": "COMPLETED",

        "failedCount": 0,

        "successCount": 1,




    "records": [


            "Gsid": "1I004SG7RDV06L1HFJWG723ZE50C7FDUYQL1",

            "GsCompanyId": "1P0264H09NPSK5KS7T8D12TO0ZBJZ7PUKHSZ",

            "companyName": "Gainsight Playbook Account"




    "lookups": {

        "GsCompanyId": {

            "fields": {

                "companyName": "Name"


            "lookupField": "Gsid",

            "objectName": "Company",

            "multiMatchOption": "FIRSTMATCH",

            "onNoMatch": "ERROR"





Thank you,


4 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 17 replies
  • July 10, 2023

@jivanova Unfortunately you can’t use the API to reparent Timeline records. If this is something you need to accomplish, your only option will be to log a Support ticket. It’s best to include the following data for every timeline record that needs to be reparented:

  1. The Source Company GSID
  2. The Target Company GSID
  3. The Timeline GSID

For your information, you can use the “Associated Records” feature to additionally associate the Timeline entry to another Company, but this is not also removing it from the Current Company association.


I hope this helps,


  • Author
  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 44 replies
  • July 11, 2023

Thank you, Peter! I’m learning a lot here. I wish this was noted somewhere in the documentation. It would have saved me so much time. 


  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1126 replies
  • July 11, 2023

@jivanova If you haven’t already turned on Associated Records, do note that while it’s easy to turn on, it has implications with reporting and rules that may impact existing processes, as well as future ones. I have some notes on the feature here: 

Keep in mind if you need to do any reporting along the lines of “last timeline activity for accounts”, you’d no longer be able to just report off of the timeline object.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 70 replies
  • July 11, 2023

@jivanova I looked at this as well, and we never implemented it, but you could copy the timeline activities from one account to another then delete the old ones (if necessary). We were exploring this as an option for accounts that are merged in SFDC, so the delete part wasn’t necessary in our case.

We decided that support tickets were a better way of tackling this issue


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