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Release Notes: Version 4.28 June 2015

The following are some major enhancements in Gainsight Version 4.28 released in June, 2015.


The following enhancement has been made under the Administration tab.

Enhancement Location: The Administration tab

Enhancement Description: The Sponsor Tracking BETA tag is removed.



The following enhancement is made in Cockpit.

Enhancement LocationCockpit > [Click on a CTA]

Enhancement Description: With the help of chatter, you can now tag a user or a group using the @ sign inside a CTA.



The following enhancement is made in Copilot.

Enhancement LocationCockpit > Copilot > Power Lists

Enhancement Description: A power list displays only first 1000 contacts. The limitation of searching within the first 1000 users has been enhanced to search for users in the entire  list. The search field that appears under each column name helps you find the user that is not visible in the list.


The following enhancements are made in Reporting:

1. Enhancement LocationAdministration > Reports 2.0

Enhancement Description: For opportunities that have multiple accounts, The Account Lookupfield now populates with all related accounts, and lets you select a specific account.

A common use case is a parent and a child account, which represent the overall company and region, have a relationship with the same opportunity.

2. Enhancement Location: Administration > Reports 2.0

Enhancement Description
: In MDA, while building a report only on the MDA data, you can now add a calculated measure as a filter and perform aggregations on it.

Note: A calculated measure is created using the tenant management application.

For example, in MDA, if you have defined a calculated measure named Total Messages to contain the total number of messages received from mobile and desktop devices, Total Messages =Mobile Messages (MDA field for mobile messages) + Desktop Messages (MDA field for desktop messages), then while applying filter conditions you can use the Total Messages calculated measure. For example, ”Total Messages > 100”.

3. Enhancement Location: Gainsight Home, CS360, Opportunity Widget, and Account Widgets.

Enhancement Description:  Search boxes with operators now appear under each column for records in the Grid view. This feature can be used on Gainsight Home, CS360, Opportunity Widget, and Account Widget pages.

Rules Engine

The following enhancements are made in Rules Engine.

1.Enhancement LocationAdministration > Rules > [Click on any of the existing rules]
Enhancement Description
: If the rule status is switched from ON to OFF state, any schedule associated with the rule gets deleted.

Note: The proposed MDA upgrade will wipe off schedules of all rules that are in OFF state, even when the client did not choose to upgrade to latest managed package.  This is done as a part of MDA upgrade, which happens well before the Managed package upgrade.

2. Enhancement LocationAdministration > Rules > Schedule

Enhancement Description: In the rules engine you can schedule a rule to run for historical periods, which is typically a 1-time activity. If user edits this rule, the normal use case is NOT to run again for that historical period, which is what we have been doing. In this release, the UI better reflect what is happening in the backend - the check box is automatically unchecked and the following info message is provided.

3. Enhancement LocationAdministration > Rules > Setup Rule

Enhancement Description
: While setting up a rule for Matrix Data, you can now use a calculated measure field.

For example, if you have created a calculated field named Utilization from the tenant management application with a custom formula, you can use this field while setting up a rule.


The following enhancement is made under the Customers tab.

Enhancement Location: The Customers & Engagement tab.

Enhancement Description
: On the Customers & Engagement tab, the content that appears in the Grid view can now be copied.

Click here to access full release notes which include information about bug fixes and known issues.
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