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New Idea

New Task Type - "Close Loop Task" for survey feedback

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  • kate_green


when a customer takes a survey and they are dissatisfied with something we

create a close loop process in our other survey system (which will be changing

to Gainsight). Something similar to a CTA is created where the only task to

complete is to reach out to the customer for some more feedback. Gainsight is

so much more powerful here allowing us to make multiple tasks and assign to

anyone. BUT (and this is what I am trying to figure out how to accomplish) when

we reach out to the customer and gather their feedback about why they were so

dissatisfied we fill out a form to categorize their feedback, fill in what any

corrective actions we are taking, and coaching comments.  We use this info

for further analysis with systemic issues and corrective action initiatives

organization wide.



have thought about adding “trees” to a survey questions to gather more info if

they select a certain question but I don’t want survey fatigue which is what we

saw when we tried to do this initially with our other tool.  A customer

would start the survey and then not finish it.  



almost need a separate “Task Type” just like a normal task that we could assign

to a CTA but a “Closed loop Task” that would allow us to configure a form (like

a survey with dropdown options, etc) that our employees would fill out while

they are chatting with the dissatisfied customer. This Task would need to be

linked to that initial dissatisfied survey response for analysis/trends, which

also means the CTA would need to be liked to not only the Company but the

customer that gave the dissatisfied survey response (like automatically being

filled in under associated contacts).



hope this was clear enough to spark some ideas or at least questions so we can

conceptualize together and come up with a solution for close loop. 

Gainsight starts the survey close loop with CTAs/Tasks but the last leg is

analyzing the additional feedback for trends and corrective actions. Does this

make sense? The idea it to take the

additional feedback from the customer we get when talking with them and

categorizing exactly why they were dissatisfied with “x”, analyze similar situations, and drive corrective actions, then communicate this back to our customers. 

7 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 378 replies
  • October 30, 2015
Andrew, thanks for you post. Great suggestion! Generally we plan to add more context to tasks. e.g. email tasks which has body of email which CSM can click send, phone task with click to call. Do you see these also as being valuable?

What you are asking for is maybe a survey or feedback task. Good idea. Early next year we plan to start looking at major enhancements to surveys and this definitely is valuable feedback. 

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 270 replies
  • October 30, 2015
Feedback task is perfect that allows us to configure it almost like your survey tool today that would be attached to that CTA linked to the individual response that originally created the CTA. I would like to hear more about the thought of email tasks. The click to call would be just adding some more efficiency and that helps too. 

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 270 replies
  • November 5, 2015
Here is an example of something I built in excel. Very basic but would help a lot if this was a Gainsight task type = Closed loop task

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 270 replies
  • November 5, 2015
We are unable to utilize the survey tool until this is built out in Gainsight. We are going to try to create a work around by building it in our SF instance in the mean time. Would be great to get this on the roadmap for Q1 development. 

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 533 replies
  • November 6, 2015
One other idea:  You could create the capture fields on the Calls to Action object in Gainsight.  Your SFDC Admin would need to create these fields.  Then create a new CTA Type of Survey Feedback and add those feedback fields onto the CTA Detail View. See an example here from a test org I tried where I added a Feedback Reason and Feedback Comments.

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 270 replies
  • November 6, 2015
Hmmm this looks ok and may be possible can we talk more about this Denise? Do you have time for a call and maybe show and tell? There are two pieces to the puzzle, 1) be able to have the drop downs that are created to be dynamic meaning if we select "People" in the one drop down to only show a certain drop down menu in the next field. 2) Be able to build reports based on this data so we can analyze it. 

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 270 replies
  • November 6, 2015
I will be pursuing this option from Denise with my SF dev team. Thank you. I'll let you know what comes of it. 

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