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How To Export An Attendee List For An Event


Want to do some email marketing to users who have signed up for a particular webinar? Or need to get a quick guestlist printed off of the people who are attending your in-person event? With inSided events, you can easily download a complete attendee list.

​​​​​All events published on the inSided platform have attendee registration activated.


How To Export An Attendee List


Before you start: you need to have published an event on your community.

  1. Log in to Control and find the event for which you want to export an attendee list (Content > Events).
  2. Press ‘Download attendee list’
  3. That’s it!

For each attendee, you can find their User name, User email, User ID, and Sign-up date in the attendee list. The sign-up date is the date/time (in UTC) at which the user signed up for the event.

Here’s an example of how the export looks:

User name

User email

User ID

Sign-up date (UTC)



2020-03-10 00:07:01



2020-03-07 18:10:05



2020-03-06 17:15:28


It is now possible to retrieve the list of attendees of a particular event via the public API: 
the API for EU customers  

the API for US customers


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