While Navigating in Gainsight SFDC, the Administration-> Communication-> Surveys leads to Survey 1.0 where we need to click on a button for navigating to Survey 2.0. Customer has requested that the Administration-> Communication-> Surveys should directly route to Survey 2.0.

Customer’s update:
I understand what you are saying, but the Admin menu item is still broken. That would be the normal way most people would instinctively access the Survey tool. It is a defect in the software and should be fixed.
Most Salesforce users have several application tabs already and Gainsight is but one tool Salesforce customers may use. Gainsight can be one of the application tabs, but Gainsight should not require several different application tabs in Salesforce to utilize the Gainsight tools.
Please submit this issue as a defect/enhancement to Gainsight product management or engineering teams.