Do the links, buttons and labels on your community not match your branding? Use our ‘Phrases’ tool to change certain text into something that resonates.
A phrase is customizable text on your community platform. For example, if you wanted to change the “Log in” button to say “Lets go!” you would be changing the phrase. All phrases have a default setting, but almost all language on the platform can be changed.
Usually, you can change text strings right on the community with our live edit too; however, some phrases need to be changed manually on the back end. For this, you can reference the articles below:
Hidden Phrases: (Insided Standard) Login/Registration Page
How to Customize your Error Pages
Hidden Phrases: Change text on the "set username" page (SSO registration)
How To Change The Text Of Links, Buttons, And Labels (Phrases)
- Log into the Community Frontend (not control)
- Switch on the ‘Phrases’ toggle at the bottom-right hand corner of the screen.

- All editable phrases will be indicated with an ‘edit’ label.

- Click the element/text you want to change. An input field will appear at the top of your screen.
- Add in your new text, and click Save - your change is now saved as a new ‘Phrase’.
Switch off the ‘Phrases’ toggle and Double-check the phrase on the community. Does everything look good?
Currently, only users with the ‘Admin’ role can use this tool.💎 You can view and search through all of your custom phrases by going to Control → Customization → Phrases.
🎯 Some of our craftier customers worked out how to use the phrase tool to create rich email notifications. Interested? Read (unofficial) How To Use The Phrase Tool To Create Rich Email Notifications. Sometimes, our customers generously dedicate their time to write these guides, enabling me to kick back and take some me-time! 🛀.