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How To Customize Phrases for Events


Want to customize the text end users see when they interact with events on your community? In this guide, you’ll find a reference for all the phrases you can update. Some of these can be updated easily with our front-end phrase customization tool. However, some of the events phrases are ‘hidden’.

In these cases, you will have to add the phrase manually.

For this you will need to know the codes so you can add it via the Control environment in Control → Customization → Phrases.

The module for all the following phrases is ‘Forum’.


Key English translation Description
events.list.title Events Label for the list of events on the /events page.
events.list.past Upcoming events Label for the list of events occurring in the future on the /events page.
events.list.past Past events Label for the list of events occurring in the past on the /events page.
events.attending Attending Shown to users who have marked themselves as attending a future event.
events.attend Attend Shown to users as a call-to-action to attend the event.
events.attended Attended Shown to users who marked themselves as attending an event that is now in the past.
events.featured.topics Featured topics Shown above the list of any topics that are featured on an event.
events.ended Event ended Shown as a label to indicate an event has finished. Edit RSVP Shown as a button that allows the user to edit their RSVP. Update your RSVP Shown as a header in a modal where the user can choose between Attending/Not attending.
events.not.attending Not Attending Shown to the user as an option in the update your RSVP modal. Update Action button on Update RSVP modal.
events.attendees Attendees Shown as a label above a list of users attending the event. Show all attendees Shown as a button that allows a user to see more attendees.


No one is attending this event yet Shown when there are no attendees for an event. Link Shown as the label for the Link/URL field on an event
events.location Location Shown as the label for the Location field on an event.
events.datetime Date and time Shown as the label for the Date/time field on an event
events.details Event details Shown as a label above the event date and time, location, and link (URL)
events.about About this event Shown as a label above the rich text description of the event.
events.ok Got it The action of 'Got it' is to dismiss the confirmation attending modal. You're attending Shown when current logged-in user is the only member attending an event. You and 1 member attending Shown when current-logged in user and other members are attending the event.
events.attending.member 1 member attending Shown when other members are attending an event. You attended Shown when current logged-in user was the only member to attend an event. You and 1 member attended Shown when current logged-in user and other members attended an event.
events.attended.member 1 member attended Shown when other members attended an event.

Online event

Shown on overviews when an event does not have a location provided.

In-person event

Shown on overviews when an event does have a location provided.

Private group

Shown on events published in private groups.

Public group

Shown on events published in public groups.

Add to Google Calendar

Shown on event detail page next to time/date.
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