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Search with SFDC ID in Gainsight Search

Related products:CS C360 & R360 & P360

I have a customer that brought up a great idea for Gainsight search. 

Right now we cannot search for an account in Gainsight with the SFDC ID, I know that the ID is not created by Gainsight but searching with the SFDC ID would be beneficial after certain rule runs that do not give the name of the account that the rule ran for. 

3 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 4 replies
  • March 5, 2018
Definitely agree. My current way to search is to look in MDA. This is clunky, since I can't just filter for SFDCID = {{id}}, it insists that I put in an account name.

Instead, I have to do SFDCID >= {id} and then SFDCID < {{id-1}}

(basically, change the last character by 1, so if it ends in F, change it to E, etc)

Additionally, pasting the SFDC ID into the C360 url doesn't always work when you're running down an error with the rules engine, since there could be an error with the account not existing on Gainsight's side.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 18 replies
  • March 6, 2018
We are currently looking into the ability to search on ID fields in account and relationship as part of Global Seach redesign. This enhancement would allow admins to add SFDC_ID field (considering that SFDC_ID attribute is part of the relationship object) to object's search configuration with would be honoured by Global search. 

The timeframe for this feature release in unknown and would keep you all posted on this once we get more clarity. 

  • Expert ⭐️⭐️
  • 3727 replies
  • March 6, 2018
@Drew, Searching of Account id is possible only with the equal operator.  I hope Salesforce will not support all the operators while searching with an ID.  

@Pawan, Thats a great news!


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