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Quick jump from timeline activity to synced task in Salesforce

Related products:CS Timeline & Activity Tracking

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  • 90 replies
We love the quick links to the Salesforce Account, Opportunities and Contacts now available (the little 3 dots in the upper right).  What would be awesome would be to have something similar from the Activities logged to Timeline that have synced over to Salesforce Activities/Tasks.  So once a Call has been logged in Timeline, and has synced over to Salesforce, I could quickly navigate to the corresponding Salesforce object.  

We're exploring the possibility of using Cases in Salesforce (and then linking them to JIRA tickets) but I hate the idea of creating the call log in GS, and then telling a CSM "ok, now go hunt for the activity in SF that the sync created and push the 'Create Case' button from there."  It would streamline things to have a quick way to navigate to the correct SF page (would also need an option to sync activities more frequently, but baby steps...).

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  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 639 replies
  • December 7, 2016
Very interesting use-case, Leanne. Thanks for sharing!

This seems to be the flow you're thinking of, just to confirm: Log a Call in GS --> Jump to the corresponding Activity record in SF --> Create a Case. On the last step, would you move the Activity/Task itself to the Case record (via Related To), populate a custom lookup to Cases, or would a copy get created? I'm assuming of course that connecting the Call with the Case record is important here. 

Being able to act on what you log is extremely important, clearly, so we'll also think about how we could potentially let you create a Case directly (and we take care of connecting the Activity) -- similar to how you can do this today within CTAs.

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    • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    • 90 replies
    • December 8, 2016
    Great! I think you're on to what I'm thinking.  I would love to have the option to create a Case directly from the Timeline Activity, if that would be possible (or even to take it one step further, create a JIRA ticket directly.)

    • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
    • 639 replies
    • December 8, 2016
    We'll explore these direct options for sure, Leanne.  In the meantime, would something like this work: Log the Call in GS --> Create a 'Product Risk' (or some other appropriate category) CTA --> Playbook guides the CSM to create a new Case + do X, Y [Optional] --> CTA and Case records get linked together (can create and modify everything from with the CTA)?

    With the way we are thinking of linking Timeline and CTAs, even the Call could get auto-linked to the CTA. We are also independently looking into providing a link to SF Task from within the logged Call, per your original request.


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