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Make Email Addresses in the user overview non-clickable / copyable

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Julian old
Hi all! 😎

As the title already suggests, I would really like to be able to simply copy Email Addresses from the user overview page.

For my work, I often have to copy paste the Email Address of a user in order to find more information in other systems.

Unfortunately, I am unable to simply copy the Email Address from the user overview (using Firefox on Windows):

- The Email Address cannot be selected, the field responds in a way that makes this virtually impossible (see video).
- Right-clicking the Email Address does not give me the option to copy (see video)
- Clicking on the Email Address itself will open my Outlook, I surely do not intend to send customers Emails from my Outlook. :)

The only way for me is to manually write out the Email Address, e.g. into the search bar of my browser, then copy it from there.

@Mathis actually showed a way how you can make it clickable (by selecting and then clicking somewhere else), however this does not seem to work on Windows or on Firefox... As soon as I release the mouse the text is not highlighted any more.

Here a webm showcasing my struggle on a test account:Click here



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