We are excited to announce a new contest! The challenge is simple: post your best practices on Community under "Gainsight Best Practices" or "Customer Success Best Practices" and receive points as detailed below.
Prizes: The top 3 users will win free passes to CSU Online. In addition, all participants will be entered into a raffle for Gainsight swag.
So how does it work? You will get the following points for each action:
- 50 points for creating a post with a substantive best practice
- 30 points for replying to an existing post with additional best practices
- 5 points for every “Me-too” you receive on your best practice post
- 50 points for attending the weekly webinar and posting related best practices
- Bonus points for especially thought-provoking or original posts, so bring it on!
- What are the top 3 initiatives for CS Ops that support your company’s scaling?
- Tips for new CSMs and CS Ops leads: What is most important to nail down in the first 90 days?
- What key metrics should Customer Success be following?
- How did you build the right environment to support the launch of Gainsight?
- What tactics did you use at launch to ensure Gainsight was successful?
- As the implementation of Gainsight progressed, what strategies did you use to reinforce adoption by your team and management?
- What are some of the most important reports or data elements that your CS organization tracks?
- Are there important CS KPIs you measure and if so how do you visualize them?
- How do you establish a successful “Voice of Customer” program?
- How do you manage critical handoffs in your organization?
Contest Guidelines
- Posts must be relevant to best practices in order to be included.
- Points won in the contest are tracked separately and will not have an impact on Community point totals, outside of the existing point structure.
- All posts prior to the start of the competition will not contribute to point totals
- Community admin reserves the right to determine which posts are substantive.