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Best Practices Competition!

Hello Gainsight Community,

We are excited to announce a new contest! The challenge is simple: post your best practices on Community under "Gainsight Best Practices" or "Customer Success Best Practices" and receive points as detailed below.

Prizes: The top 3 users will win free passes to CSU Online. In addition, all participants will be entered into a raffle for Gainsight swag.

So how does it work? You will get the following points for each action:

  • 50 points for creating a post with a substantive best practice
  • 30 points for replying to an existing post with additional best practices
  • 5 points for every “Me-too” you receive on your best practice post
  • 50 points for attending the weekly webinar and posting related best practices
  • Bonus points for especially thought-provoking or original posts, so bring it on!
Don’t know where to start? Respond to a question:
  • What are the top 3 initiatives for CS Ops that support your company’s scaling?
  • Tips for new CSMs and CS Ops leads: What is most important to nail down in the first 90 days?
  • What key metrics should Customer Success be following?
  • How did you build the right environment to support the launch of Gainsight?
  • What tactics did you use at launch to ensure Gainsight was successful?
  • As the implementation of Gainsight progressed, what strategies did you use to reinforce adoption by your team and management?
  • What are some of the most important reports or data elements that your CS organization tracks?
  • Are there important CS KPIs you measure and if so how do you visualize them?
  • How do you establish a successful “Voice of Customer” program?
  • How do you manage critical handoffs in your organization? 
Feel free to brainstorm your own topics! 

Contest Guidelines
  1. Posts must be relevant to best practices in order to be included.
  2. Points won in the contest are tracked separately and will not have an impact on Community point totals, outside of the existing point structure. 
  3. All posts prior to the start of the competition will not contribute to point totals
  4. Community admin reserves the right to determine which posts are substantive.

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