I'm trying to load in CTAs that should have been created in the past, since they're based on the customer's contract dates. So, I'm using the rule that is running daily now to create these CTAs, and am running it for a historical date. However, the rule setup is querying for customers based on the [i]rule run date, but the CTA due date is set based on [i]today's date, not based on the [i]rule run date.
For example, we create the renewal CTA 120 days before the contract end date. If I run the rule for Oct 3 2015, it should create the renewal CTAs for customers whose contracts are set to end on Jan 31 2016 (120 days later), and it should set their due dates to Jan 31. However, instead it:
- Finds the customers who, on Oct 3, were 120 days before their contract end date. (So, it finds the correct customers.)
- Creates a CTA and sets its due date 120 days ahead of [i]today.
This is aggravating. I'm going to have to create all those CTAs and then set their due dates manually. That will take a huge amount of time since we've just purchased Gainsight, and I'm trying to populate the CSMs' Cockpits with all the renewal (and new-customer) CTAs that they should be working on. Unless the Cockpit has [i]everything that they should pay attention to, then they won't trust the information in Gainsight, and therefore I won't be able to get them to start using the software.
I've tried this two ways in the Rule: the "Run Now" button and set a specific Rule Date, and scheduling the rule and selecting to run it for historical periods starting on the schedule's Start Date. The behavior is the same.
The L2 support team confirmed that this is the current expected behavior, via support ticket 7902.