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New Idea

Feedback Tab/App within GS

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  • May 13, 2016
  • 1 reply

This may be an off the wall idea, but as I sat at Pulse this week and scribed for Twilio, they use an application called Trello to allow their CSMs to post problems, ideas, and questions about Gainsight as they get ramped up. 

I know we have the community to allow customers to post feedback for the product, but have we ever considered putting something in the application to drive Gainsight users to give internal feedback for how they use our product?  I see it as a way to drive adoption, learning, collaboration, etc for them and helps admins bring Gainsight on at different companies. 

Maybe it could be somehow worked into Vault?

1 reply

I suppose I should add that it is essentially a virtual note board that has a tab for Ideas and Questions. The admin can comment to clarify things, other users can upvote or comment on new ideas. Ideas can get prioritized there.  It is comparable to an agile board mixed with our current community features, but internal.


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