If the following is correct, and the feedback form does not contain all of the user, account and global context values - they should be available to be added by developers.
We would like to use GainsightPX to create a support ticket while the users are in product.
We have added very valuable information to gainsight that is not accessible by this simple form.
Has anyone come up with another solution / option which I have not found yet?
It seems as if our two options are:
- create, use the feedback form with the restrictive data available - and I do not see the globalContext data in the view - is this a mistake?
- Type of issue: Support
Description: xxx
User email:
User id:
Account id:
- Type of issue: Support
- create, reuse a survey → which we cannot auto-forward to support (webhooks don’t seem to be an option yet either)
- Last associated Account id
Account Name
Identify Id
Last Seen Date
Sign-Up Date
Email Unsubscribed
Localization Language
Active Product
Launch Type
Accessed Via Integration
Is Throttled
API Product
Global Context accessedViaIntegration
Global Context activeProduct
Global Context apiProduct
Global Context assignmentId
Global Context assignmentName
Global Context classId
Global Context classTitle
Global Context consumerFamily
Global Context id
Global Context isThrottled
Global Context localizationLanguage
Global Context ltiLaunchUrl
Global Context ltiVersion
Global Context role
Global Context tii_app_key
Global Context tii_launch_url
Account Account ID
Account Name
Account Last Seen Date
Account Create Date
Account Parent Group Id
Account Parent Group Name
Account Grade Book Admin Enabled
Account Discussion Boards Admin Enabled
Account Paper Deletion Requests Admin Enabled
Account AIW Indicator Admin Enabled
Account Online Grading Admin Enabled
Account SWS Instructor May OptIn
Account License Name
Account Similarity Report Admin Enabled
Account Translated Matching Admin Enabled
Account SWS Account May OptIn
Account Anonymous Marking Admin Enabled
Account Peer Mark Admin Enabled
Account Grammar Check Admin Enabled
Account Account Language
- Last associated Account id