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CoPilot: Risk - Internal: At Risk Customer w/Upcoming Renewal

For V3D challenge E1 - Goal of this email template is to notify a Sales Rep or Executive when there is a customer with an upcoming renewal that is At Risk. Most likely for users that aren't in Gainsight or that have Limited Licenses to ensure they are still aware.

Sample text - feel free to make recommendations for improvement.

Hi [i]<FirstName>,

AT-RISK RENEWAL: [i]<CustomerName> has an upcoming renewal on [i]<RenewalDate> and is currently an At-Risk customer for the following reasons:
  • If pulled from the CTA object, they could include the CTA Reason or CTA Name
  • If they track some sort of notes for AtRisk that could be merged here.
For more information and strategic alignment, you can engage with the Customer Success Manager - [i]<CSM Name>

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