Apologies if this is a duplicate, but I didn’t see something specific to this.
Gainsight supports date range filters, and in rules you have weekend and weekday differentials. I would like the ability to filter in reporting (including data designer) and schedule in Rules and Programs around holidays.
To be effective, this would need to be dynamic, as not all holidays have a fixed day of the month or range they start on. I could see this needing some user input, where they as a one time upload a sort of “holiday calendar” of dates they want to include, or GS just does it natively, which is ideal.
The idea behind this is you may not want rules to run on certain holidays. You may also want to filter for certain holidays on reports of say, support tickets to know if you have more/less tickets on holidays. For programs, maybe you want to send a campaing that is targeted around a holiday or not not hit certain holidays. Those are just a couple minimal examples but I’m sure there are other use cases.
P.S. I guess for continuity this should extend to PX as well for cross platform engagements.