Homepage recommendations
Highlight the most important content for your users on your homepage in basic recommendations lists. You know best which content is the most viewed and/or helps your users the best. Give that content extra attention by highlighting it on your homepage.What can I do with this feature?
- Enable/disable visibility
- Manually add and remove topics that you want to highlight on your homepage
- Reorder the position of topics that are displayed
Get started: How To Create Recommended Topics Lists on Your Homepage
Configurable homepage streams
Rename, reorder and toggle the visibility of the tabs displayed on your homepage. We'll add configuration options in Control that allow you to change the setup of the Categories, Recently active and Help others tab.What can I do with this feature?
- Rename tabs
- Reorder tabs
- Enable/disable the tab (toggle visibility)
Get started: How To Configure Homepage Tabs (Categories, Recently active, Help others)