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New ideation module now previewing on inSpired!

Related products:CC Ideation
New ideation module now previewing on inSpired!

For some time we have been working on a new ideation proposition to make it easier and more fun to co-create ideas from your community users. Today we are very pleased to share that the new ideation module is previewing here on our very own InSpired community!


View the new inSpired ideas section


What is Ideation?

inSided Ideation is a new platform module that allows your company and product teams to gather and co-create on qualitative insights from your community users. Unlike community ideation, which is a category type nested within the community category structure, this new module is a dedicated place within the platform with purpose-built features around ideation. Your community users will be able to submit ideas, vote on ideas, and respond to ideas with a full-powered WYSIWYG editor. As a Moderator or Product person, you will be able to manage these ideas from Control. 


Why did we build the Ideation Module?

This is a step towards our goal to have specific modules (like we did for our Knowledge base and Events already) for a more tailored experience for you and your end-users. This new module aims at improving the way you collect and manage ideas from your communities. It also serves as communication to show ideas posted lead to concrete improvements in your product(s). 


What exactly will be available?

The core elements of ‘community ideation’ as you know it will be there. On top of that we developed a lot of improvements: 

As a moderator you'll have:

  • A dedicated Idea overview page in Control (similar to the article overview page)

  • The possibility to merge ideas and add upvotes in the process

  • Improved filters for Idea status and "Product areas"

  • A way to export ideas 

Your end-users will:

  • Have a dedicated space where they will navigate and search for ideas

  • Receive notifications when the status of an idea is modified

  • Of course, they will still be able to subscribe, upvote and reply to ideas

More features are coming to enrich this module especially on the end-user side, we'll keep you updated regularly.


How will this impact my existing ideas?

All your existing ideas, which are posted in community categories, will be migrated to the new Idea overview page with specific functionalities. You will be able to select which idea categories you want to migrate and which one you would want to keep (e.g. internal idea categories for your employees only). Idea categories that you do not want to migrate will be set to read-only, users can view the ideas and respond to them, but are no longer able to post ideas in these categories. We will be in touch with you in the coming months to guide you through this migration.


Please check out our new Ideation page for Inspired and don't hesitate to create an idea yourself to share your feedback.

5 replies

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • August 7, 2020

In the topic list the first commenter’s avatar and user name is shown, not the last commenter’s.

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • August 7, 2020

Yes, we actually also saw this the minute after we migrated the module. It's on the list of feedback, next to an issue where, when an idea has no comments, the last activity avatar is not working correctly.

But thanks for taking the time to report it here! 🙂 If you spot anything else, please let us know.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 41 replies
  • August 18, 2020

New ideation looks great! Just a heads up, it looks like the comments on an idea all appear as posted ‘-` years ago’ :



  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • November 4, 2020

Did you recently detect a lower activity in the new ideation section? Because as ideation isn’t part of the homepage activity stream anymore, I assume that less users a “stumbling upon” ideas and therefore less votes are being cast and less comments are being published.

If my assumption is true, then I propose that the homepage activity stream should not only display the most recent content from the community section but also from all other sections as well.

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 732 replies
  • November 4, 2020

Hello @bjoern_schulze , we haven't noticed a significant difference with the ideation section in terms of the number of ideas created. I will look into the impact in terms of reactions to ideas.

In any case, we are planning to show ideas and product updates in the activity stream. It is actually one of our top priorities at the moment so it will soon the case :)


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