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Beta Release - New User Overview page

Related products:CC Users & Roles
  • February 21, 2022
  • 7 replies
Beta Release - New User Overview page
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies

We’re happy to release the new User Overview page into beta! 

As we’re getting ready to work on some big improvements in managing your users (think advanced filters, bulk actions and more), the first step towards this is upgrading the UI to our new design system. Read on to learn what’s new, and what we’ve got in store for you next.

What’s new?

The new User Overview gives you a more crisp look of your users, but apart from a visual makeover, we’ve smuggled in some small improvements already. 

Customize which columns to display

First off, you’re now able to customize which columns you want to display by toggling them on and off. This will allow you to show the user properties that are most important to you. As you may have guessed, we’ll be adding more columns for you to choose from in the near future.

See the number of (filtered) users

Secondly, you’re now able to see the total number of users in the User Overview. Also, when you filter users, you will also see the number of users that match your filtering criteria.

What’s next?

We’re getting ready to deliver on some much requested improvements to make user management way easier. First, we’ll focus on adding more advanced filtering capabilities so you can more easily drill down on the users you’re looking for. In order to save time and clicks on your behalf, we’ll also be focussing on performing some time consuming bulk actions on your selections. 


As this feature is in beta, please share all the feedback you may have on this feature!

  • What do you think of the new User Overview? Anything you’d like to improve?

  • What are you most looking forward to next in regards to user management?

  • Which improvements would make the biggest impact on the amount of time spent on user management?

7 replies

Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 274 replies
  • February 21, 2022

This is going in a great direction!

What do you think of the new User Overview? Anything you’d like to improve?

If we could add some more attributes, e.g.

  • Ability to sort by # of Posts (totals of topics + replies)

Feedback about Last Login: 

If I understand correctly, “Last Login” is not a great indicator to understand when a user was last logged in and visited the community. To measure that, we look at “last_activity” (in the API and in the User Export. Would also be great to have that field in the new User Overview!


Would also be amazing to add profile fields and being able to filter them!

Use case: we have users in different countries, and sometimes I want to check e.g.

  • show me a list of users in country X (Profile Field: country), filter by role Y (custom Role), and sort them by # of posts or by the last login.

Will add more feedback whenever I can think of some!

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 174 replies
  • February 21, 2022
Daniele wrote:

Feedback about Last Login: 

If I understand correctly, “Last Login” is not a great indicator to understand when a user was last logged in and visited the community. To measure that, we look at “last_activity” (in the API and in the User Export. Would also be great to have that field in the new User Overview!



Love this idea!

Also, CANNOT wait for bulk actions. Assigning custom roles in bulk would save me LOTS of time. Thank you for working on this!

  • 0 replies
  • February 22, 2022

Nice to see some changes.

I like the compact form the information is in, much easier to work with.

One bug 🐛 It’s oddly displaying 31 Dec 1969 for many of our users as their last login date not clear why given many of those folks are recent joiners.

To answer your questions:

What do you think of the new User Overview? Anything you’d like to improve?

  • Helpful to have the ability to customize what columns are displayed. Would also like to change their order if possible.
  • Where no custom role - skip showing “(none) value -- you can’t filter for this either
  • Filter for badges - consider showing a preview of the badge not just the name
  • Ability to save filters and re-use them. For example, often have to look at who’s not finished the account validation step and don’t want to have to query for that each time.
  • Curious what value the icons provide in the Replies and Topics columns

What are you most looking forward to next in regards to user management?

What exactly is coming next @Sebastian? Feel that’s not super clear to me as to what is planned or being included and what is not.

Most looking forward to:

  • Bulk changes
  • Better search options that go beyond username and email

Which improvements would make the biggest impact on the amount of time spent on user management?

  • Ability to make bulk changes
  • Ability to filter by those lacking a profile photo
  • Ability to find other data -- surface other custom fields that are part of user profiles -- e.g. we have fields for role, title, industry, country, etc. -- would love to be able to use those here vs. having to export and pivot table (e.g. show me all working in Finance that are located in EMEA)
  • Not just AND but OR (e.g. show we all people and NOT filters (e.g. show me all people with our domain email who do not have the custom role employee)

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies
  • February 23, 2022
Daniele wrote:

Feedback about Last Login: 

If I understand correctly, “Last Login” is not a great indicator to understand when a user was last logged in and visited the community. To measure that, we look at “last_activity” (in the API and in the User Export. Would also be great to have that field in the new User Overview!


Would also be amazing to add profile fields and being able to filter them!

Use case: we have users in different countries, and sometimes I want to check e.g.

  • show me a list of users in country X (Profile Field: country), filter by role Y (custom Role), and sort them by # of posts or by the last login.

Will add more feedback whenever I can think of some!

I agree @Daniele Cmty! We definitely plan on adding the Last activity column and filter to the User overview, as this says a lot more than just the last login.

Thanks for the use cases re: filtering on custom profile fields, that’s really helpful. If you have any more feedback, drop it like it’s hot :) 

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 959 replies
  • February 23, 2022

Chiming in to add the last activity column as my top area of feedback.

Otherwise, it’s a very nice improvement and I echo the other comments already added.

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  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 651 replies
  • February 24, 2022

Thanks for your feedback @Scott Baldwin, it makes a lot of sense. And thanks catching the bug, too. You’ll see it fixed probably somewhere today.

About the ability to save filter for later use, this would be pretty close to a saved segment of users, right?

And about the filtering for (not) having a profile photo, what would be the use case for that?

  • 0 replies
  • February 24, 2022


Seb wrote:


About the ability to save filter for later use, this would be pretty close to a saved segment of users, right?

And about the filtering for (not) having a profile photo, what would be the use case for that?

Seeing it more as a saved filter than a segment -- but they could easily be a segment of people as well. Might just depend on how you define these things.

The filtering for someone without a user profile would be to prompt them to complete their user profile -- a big part of starting their engagement journey. Another example would be someone who’s not added any data in their profile to the custom fields we have available. 


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