Congratulations to everyone who earned an Admin certificate in July!
For those of you that earn a cert in August, you can win swag by sharing your Credly badge on LinkedIn! Follow this link for instructions on how to share your badge! This helps us build awareness and recognition in the market for Gainsight Admin skills, experience, and certification. For everyone that shares their badge by Aug. 30th, I’ll put your names in a hat, and pull out 3 winners!
In July, we certified 11 Gainsight NXT Admins (Level 3):
Kelci Walker
9 customers got Level 2 Reports & Dashboards certified:
Nicklaus Cramer
Tiffany Bennett
Meghana Pothireddy
Kathy Gomar
Marisa Craig
And, we also certified 27 Associate Admins (Level 1):
Jacquelyne Guerrero
Chrysten Santos
Saichand Moturi
Bret Crawford
Cameron Dilworth
Myranda Mayhall
Hannah McGarvey
Anita Ayyagari
Brandon Kharaka
Andrew O'Shaughnessy
Zachary Nelson
Danielle Garza
Daniel Blanchard
Melanie Carlson
Congratulations to everyone who passed their certification! Now look out for and be sure to accept your Credly digital credential offer!
If you have any questions, please reply here or email training@gainsight.com