Are you (or your CS team) looking to accelerate your professional development? Check out our new free Pulse+ preview site, for sample courses focused on customer success skill development. The preview site includes one free course in each of our core learning paths, as well as a sneak peek at the broader training and resource catalog.
Pulse+ is Gainsight’s Customer Success industry and best practice training subscription. The curriculum focuses on foundational training and professional development for those that are new to the CSM role, as well as more tenured folks looking to accelerate their skills, and take on CS leadership roles. (And the content is product-agnostic, so anyone can benefit regardless of their tech stack!)
A few months ago, we launched an aspiring CS Leader training and certificate series, to compliment our existing content for CSMs and Advanced CSMs. Pulse+ now includes three core learning paths, 3 final exams, and 3 certificates (plus hundreds of hours of optional CS thought leadership content). All of the content in Pulse+ is offered as self-paced on-demand elearning, with knowledge checks along the way to check for comprehension.
We normally offer our all-inclusive membership for $900/year per person, but to welcome Spring we’re offering some excellent deals using these coupon codes through June 15:
- PULSEPLUSCSM25 - 25% off for individual subscribers
- SPRING2022-TEAM10 - 35% off for teams of 2-10 members
- SPRING2022-TEAM20 - 40% off for teams of 11-20 members
- SPRING2022-TEAM30 - 45% off for teams of 21-30 members
- SPRING2022-TEAM50 - 50% off for teams of 31+ members
Reach out to pulseplus@gainsight.com for any questions or assistance!