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@keith_mattes, a Technical Program Specialist for Rapid7, also works as one of their key Gainsight Administrators. Keith’s previous experience as a Gainsight Admin is invaluable to his current role, but gaining that expertise required a lot of experimentation and a willingness to fail.

I’ve iterated a bunch. I think sometimes it’s trial by fire, but a lot of times it’s trial by error.

Keith’s use of Gainsight at Rapid7 has become an important part of their workflow, but it didn’t start that way. He said there was a learning curve of figuring out what Gainsight tools they needed and what they were ready for. His team didn’t rush into complexity, but instead focused on a foundation of essentials that they added to as needed.

We’re able to explore more detailed and intricate things, but we also have a very ‘keep it simple’ approach here… Gainsight is becoming more of a pillar, more of a primary tool here… People are dependent on the information and data that we generate. 

Hear more about Keith’s story in the video below!


After finally watching this, I apologize for the poor lighting :) 
