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(warning: I'm venting)

We really need some improvements and better organization around email templates, especially due to the fact that you can't use Relationship email templates for Account outreaches and vice versa, and there's no way to tell what type of email template is which. 

I just created a new Co-Pilot outreach.  To save time (ha!) I cloned an existing email template (because if you copy and paste text from one email template to another, you lose all the formatting). What I didn't notice is that the email template I copied is a Relationship email template, so after getting my PowerList all set up, and my email template set up, when I go to create the Outreach, my email template is nowhere to be found, because my Outreach is an Account Outreach.

So now back to square one to re-create my email template from scratch. 


I see there's a handy-dandy filter option on the email templates, but as soon as you scroll over to try to select something, it disappears, so that works well.  (Here's a video: )
Hi Leanne,

First of all my sincere sorry for all the trouble and frustration that email template management has caused. We had segregated email templates due to following reasons i.e. Lot of our customers like access controls to be very restricted, since it involves multiple customer success teams at relationship level and customers have previously requested us to limit access so that one team cannot modify other teams template. Secondly- we used to allow survey attached to email template based entity i.e . Account or Relationship.

However with Spring release where we are release new Email Templates 2.0 that is not based on Account or Relationship entity and we will allow customers to define templates at Global,Account or Relationship level so that global templates can be used at both Account or relationship. On cloning of these templates it will also be allowed to change entity type and/or using Global notion.

Hopefully we will be able to solve your issues of template management with above solution.
Leanne for time being if you want to copy paste template data and want to retain template formatting, you can click on Edit Code option in Email template and copy the entire HTML code it shows in the pop-up. Now go and create a new template on your desired entity type and click on Edit Code again and paste the HTML code and hit submit. your template should be copied over with formatting from source.
Thanks for the tips.  I talked with our support team yesterday and it sounds like the upcoming Email templates 2.0 will solve a lot of our frustrations.
