
Best way to host introduce your self

  • 2 February 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi, I am looking for a recommendation for a introduce yourself structure. Starting a post on the topic is not very good because then everyone adding something to the post will be notified every time a new user introduces him/her/hen self, and we’ve received some feedback from external users that creates unnecessary noise (which I agree to). Appreciate any tips. 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hi @Anitahg since this is a community specific query - moving this to the right category where fellow community friends can help you out! 🙌🏼

Userlevel 3

Hi @Anitahg 👋, your users are going to run into this issue regardless of the way the Introductions are structured. What could help is education and medium.

  1. Educate users on notification preferences across touch points
    • Ensure users know how to unsubscribe or update their notification preferences anywhere they interact with your community. This could be in the original post, your knowledge base, the system email, onboarding process, etc. Repetition is key here.
  2. Change the medium of the introductions
    • Your members might not respond to the format of a forum style introduction, and that’s OK. You could consider,
      • Hosting monthly or quarterly “new member” events that users can opt-in to.
      • Use an external app like Donut or Matcha (1:1 Networking).
      • Dedicating a section of a monthly or quarterly community update (think newsletter) to new member introductions. This works well if you use Email Campaigns and link to a post in the Community to enable the conversations.
      • Dedicate a Group or Child Category to what is often referred to as “water-cooler chat”. It would be understood that it is an area for social chat and users can choose to subscribe to it.
      • Spotlight new members who want to put themselves out there and allow for others to reply to that article/conversation.
      • Evaluate if an “Introduce Yourself” area makes the most sense for your users. You see these a lot in communities but if it doesn’t bring value to your users it’s OK to remove it altogether.

Hope these suggestions help! Come back later and let us know what ended up working for your community.
