We are using the latest Gainsight PX REST API · Apiary details and attempting to call all survey results for a particular engagement.
The Get Survey Responses appears to show me all of the completed surveys in a six-month window. (I think) Although the tengagementTrackType] only returns a value of ENGAGEMENT_VIEW, but I am assuming that is just a default value and that it does not indicate that this record is just of the views of the survey, as the API call is titled Get Survey Responses.
But this call does not return any of the actual response answers from the survey. This is great to count the number of responses, but if i want to connect survey responses to our Customer Service records, I would like the actual response details.
Does anyone have any recommendations on how to use the GPX REST API to pull answers to a specific survey?
And to add to this challenge, what about when it is a multi-question survey?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.