
GameChanger Community 2023 wrap-up

  • 22 December 2023
  • 10 replies
GameChanger Community 2023 wrap-up
Userlevel 7
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As we head off into the holiday season let’s take 5m to reflect on the amazing ride 2023 has been! 

A brand new GameChanger Community!

First of all, Thank you for the patience through the a little over a week period of not being able to engage on GameChanger or inSpired as we were in read-only mode.

Now that we finally made it through to the other side, reset your password if you haven't done so yet, and let us know what you think of the new Community?

What do you think about the two highways: For Product and For Industry discussions, running across the breadth of the site?


So here’s 2023 wrapped


10K registered members

The GameChanger member-base grew by 21% and we crossed 10,000 users in October!

What’s more exciting is over the course of the past year, 11% of them have actually posted something after logging in.

Since all of 2023 we have been two separate entities, let’s take this opportunity of getting to know who have been the movers and shakers for inSpired and GameChanger in 2023.


Presenting the Community Leaderboard of 2023!

Based on volume of responses given and marked helpful by others.

These are our gamechangers!

What’s notable here is that these members have spent a significant amount of time participating in conversations, apart from their personal queries and Ideas, answering other people.

Finally, under one roof experts from the world of CS and CS Ops, Community, Product, Education… let’s have a huge cheer for:  

👏👏 inSpired
Customers Employees

1.@DannyPancratz of Unqork


2.@revote of Telia Finland


3.@Daniele Cmty of Personio


4.@juan.delrio of Devo 4.@Manon 
5.@sarahmasterton-brown of Mews 5.@Cristina 
👏👏 GameChanger
Customers Employees

1.@alizee of BluePrism


2.@matthew_lind of Showpad


3.@john_apple of Immersive Labs

4.@dayn.johnson of Recorded Future 4.@broghanzwack

5.@heather_hansen of Acquia



The other half of the court is held by the amazing Gainsters who have made it their priority to keep the Community engaged, none of whose full time jobs is ‘Community’.


Product innovation

Product areas are constantly sharpened thanks to the incredible year long feedback of our Admins on this Community. 

Here’s how we delivered

inSpired GameChanger
26% of all content was Product Ideas 37% of all content was Product Ideas
12 Ideas was marked as Delivered and 225 new Ideas was submitted 139 Ideas was marked as Delivered and 1055 new Ideas was submitted

Ofcourse the Idea submission is the step 1 and our members have partnered on deeper levels in Betas and Surveys and the very productive Product Council which is in it’s successful second running year!

Regarding our Betas

Gainsight does a good job of bringing enthusiastic and engaged users together, I appreciate that!




Sure we did that too


Education joins us

Before the inSpired+GameChanger Community-merger, we birthed the newly acquired Customer Education part of the Gainsight business (Northpass) as a sub community on GameChanger with a product and Industry forum.

Remember, this team had never done communities before!

Fun fact: Since the Education team started on this Community, a little over a month back, their first Product Update by@Andrew Brown, has already become not only the highest viewed product update but one of the most viewed pieces of content for all of 2023 🔥 




The value of the Community

In fewer words, if we were to get to the point,

What is the value the Community generates?

We have done the research:

Customers who were highly engaged in our communities expanded a 2.2x higher rate than those who with low or no engagement.



All of that, following Gainsight’s DNA of being human-first before anything else, as @alizee writes

The Gainsight Community feels like Home to me. 

Anyone can take part - including the occasionally socially awkward people like me 😅. In joining, I found what I like to call my « external colleagues », which make such a difference for those of us in one-man band operations.

This note gives us the greatest sense of achievement for what we have set out to build with the Community.

Thank You 🫶

So tell us, what has the Community meant for you and what kind of future would you like to build with it?



With that we wish you a Merry Christmas and a very happy new year as we sign off 2023 with a lot of gratitude and excitement for the coming year!


Community team away for the rest of the year

P.S. Team Community would be signing off for the rest of the year, so whilst@GameChangerAdmin may constantly be listening, he’s ordered to be on stand-by mode as of today. See you in the New Year!


10 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hey, what a newsletter this is 💪 It is interesting to see for example those statistics and all the behind the scenes stuff.

And of course, thanks a lot for listing 😎

There is so much to read, I’ll be back and read this carefully! 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Hey, what a newsletter this is 💪 It is interesting to see for example those statistics and all the behind the scenes stuff.

And of course, thanks a lot for listing 😎

There is so much to read, I’ll be back and read this carefully! 

Oh… thanks to folks like you @revote we have solid stuff to feature in the newsletter! 😊 Thank you so much 🙏 

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

Hey, what a newsletter this is 💪 It is interesting to see for example those statistics and all the behind the scenes stuff.

And of course, thanks a lot for listing 😎

There is so much to read, I’ll be back and read this carefully! 


@revote put it so well -- aside from seconding his thanks for listing, I would say:

I absolutely agree with @alizee -- by participating in the communities (both this GameChangers community and the Global Gainsight Admins community on Slack) I've found so many "external colleagues" who have been a key factor as I seek to continue growing my Gainsight knowledge and abilities.

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Hi thank you so much for the mention!


I wonder - how were you able to align the picture left and insert text to the right? I thought that looks cool and I didn’t know that was possible!


Userlevel 7
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I know my full-time job isn’t “Community”, but I sure do enjoy spending time among you all.

Thanks to @anirbandutta for the shout-out, and the faithful work of bringing us all together. And a tip of my cap to the successful uniting of the Insided and Gamechanger communities.

And @dayn.johnson, I plan on reusing the term “external colleague” liberally. Thanks for that fantastic phrase and concept.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

@matthew_lind All credit for "external colleagues" goes to @alizee -- happened to see that in @anirbandutta's post, and couldn't agree more with that turn of phrase / concept. Such a succinct way of putting it! 😀

Userlevel 7
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Congrats to you @Daniele Cmty 🎉 

Ha… the image?

Just a left align on the yellow icons… give it a try and lemme know :) 

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Congrats to you Daniele 🎉 

Ha… the image?

Just a left align on the yellow icons… give it a try and lemme know :) 


Oh wow I didn’t know that was possible… I was today years old when I found out!

Never seen anybody do that before -  such a nice design trick!

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Congrats to you Daniele 🎉 

Ha… the image?

Just a left align on the yellow icons… give it a try and lemme know :) 


Oh wow I didn’t know that was possible… I was today years old when I found out!

Never seen anybody do that before -  such a nice design trick!


Userlevel 3
Badge +4

This is awesome to see! Appreciate your participation in our community @DannyPancratz @juan.delrio and @sarahmasterton-brown 😊👏🏼
