
Where is my badge?

Where is my badge?
Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Ranks and Badges

Ranks accrue over time based on your depth and variety of engagement on the Community indicating the value brought to the Community by the member over time.

This is Automatic and denoted by the icons against your profile pic. Read about our Ranking system on the post below.



The Badges you spot in the pop-out while hovering over the user profile pics or on their profiles are tailored for the various initiatives the user participates in that Gainsight offers on the Community and are Manually assigned by the Community team.

Initiatives like what certifications did they do, are they participating in a Beta, did they attend (or speak) our annual Pulse conference and other badges that might be more exclusive for certain groups of advanced users.

Does your profile miss a badge?

Let’s make it simple to address... please let the Community team know on this thread and we will look into it.

A great example (above) of cross-checking whether your Certifications are also reflected on your GameChanger community profile.

Oh, and a good reminder how Badges look way better on a Completed user profile. ?


Badges not visible?

You know you’ve been manually assigned badges, like Ben’s profile in the 1st screenshot, but they don’t show up on your profile?

Chances are, you might have the Badge display Setting selected as ‘No’.

Please go to your Profile settings and you should be able to have them displayed.


Other things the Community Manager can help you with?

If you feel any other inconsistencies about using your account or queries regarding this platform, Or resetting your email address, please let us know.


Doing other cool things together

Have a local chapter in mind, host an event, meetup or thinking about some interesting collaboration cases or want some specific reports for your area?

We are Big on in-person meetups.

Share with us how do you want to ‘Community, beyond the regular Discussions and Product feature Ideas usage.

Drop a comment below, on this very post, and let’s think of cool Social ways to achieve things together.


41 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

You know I’m “in”, @anirbandutta .

I want to experiment, and even hear from some experts, on best practices to exchange information, host events and the like. For example, do we lean on LinkedIn, or email, or Slack, or carrier pigeon, or the Gainsight Community, or tie an invitation to a cute puppy’s collar, or all of the above?

I’d love to hear what’s working well for folks

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

This is so exciting!

Thanks for your thoughts and for continuing to pave the way to hosting these events on community @matthew_lind 🙌🏼


Userlevel 7
Badge +5

 Calling on some more of our community friends on here for their thoughts too - @bradley   @darkknight @TMaier @sarahmiracle 

Userlevel 3
Badge +5

I would respond to an invite via carrier dog, or some kind of awesome falcon style situation.


I’m down in Houston and the drive up to Austin is doable, but logistics are tricky during the workweek. For in-person events I’d be interested if anyone is in the greater Houston area - otherwise I’ll be 50/50 on making it to meetups. Alternatively, a weekend meetup might be a nice excuse to make my way up that direction.


We’ve been talking about new topics for virtual meetups as well, which is a great idea for more frequent and focused discussions. Two ideas on that front…


1.) We can arrange 5-6 person “virtual round table” breakout sessions with maybe some suggested topics to choose from. There are some bots available for Slack that would make random assignments easier, and I think we can get some of them for free-99 which is the best price.


2.) We can do something like the round tables above, but with absolute nonsense topics - more of a social networking thing than a work discussion on best practices etc. I don’t mean to presume too much of myself here, but I would be happy to volunteer as the SME on nonsense conversation if you need someone to kick that off.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

With you clearly leading the way here, @TMaier, @matthew_lind would you think that this tribe can be defined for the perimeter of all Texas, where you get to alternate between Austin & Houston meetups within the group or would you think you have enough happening through the year to upkeep 2 city level groups?

I would enjoy participating with a group of other Community leaders and interested people to examine and share ways that Community supports the entire customer lifecycle. I’m especially interested to learn about and advocate how this can support Customer Success. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Awesome to have you here @DougCaviness 

Community for Community leaders would be inSided’s Inspired Community, where I derive great value myself learning from other Community pros. - You may want to join that, cc @Alistair FIeld 

Whilst this GameChanger community continually aspires to be a good example of the lessons learnt above as well as building out the CustomerSuccess conversation in the world. :) 

Thanks @anirbandutta!

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@michael_sweeney, I have updated your email address.

Pl Let me know if you were notified of my tagging you here. 

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@anirbandutta I am in….. Thank you

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

@anirbandutta I am in….. Thank you

Awesome! You might like to fill out your profile while you are at it? :) 

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thank you @romihache  for sharing this expectation for a seamless Badging experience, I’ve addressed the low-tech solution that we offer today in the post above 😊

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Thank you @anirbandutta!!!
Much appreciated 🙌

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@anirbandutta   Just came across that post, and I think maybe others like me also don’t realize that we need to toggle the “display badge” for them to display. I spent my first year and a bit here wondering why I was the only one not seeing my badges and I know that others were in my case recently. Can you add a paragraph about the fact the badges are probably there but we need to take action so they show.

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thanks for bringing it up @alizee; indeed it is another direct ‘Where is my badge’ scenario.

Sorry for your experience for the past year and that there was no direct resource to address it - Updated the post. 

Badge +1

Hi Guys. I recently achieved End-User accreditation  and also Associate Admin (level 1) however does not appear in my profile. Is it possible that you could manually add these to my profile please? Checked my settings to ensure badges visible is set to YES.

Cheers Allan

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Thanks for letting us know @Allan Young, the Assoc. Admin L1 badge is now on your profile. :)

P.S. Not all the certification badges are set up on the Community, but just the core ones. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

P.S. Not all the certification badges are set up on the Community, but just the core ones. 

What’s a good admin that doesn’t master end-user concepts? Think we want the end-user badge here anyway 😅.

PS: I’ll try to keep that my last comment of the day and give the Community some peace for a week or so. HOLIDAY TIME!

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Right on @alizee.

If the Community wants it… we need to provision it. :) 


And happy dropping-off-the-grid 🏖️

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

+1 To Alizee’s comment, we want the End User bagde too 😁

Edit: typo

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

+1 to Alizee’s comment 😉

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

Right on @alizee.

If the Community wants it… we need to provision it. :) 


And happy dropping-off-the-grid 🏖️

Ok, Ok… we heard you :)

you’d have been notified of a purple jewel appearing on your profile?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Right on @alizee.

If the Community wants it… we need to provision it. :) 


And happy dropping-off-the-grid 🏖️

Ok, Ok… we heard you :)

you’d have been notified of a purple jewel appearing on your profile?

We have 💜💅

Userlevel 7
Badge +2

We have 💜💅

Merci :) 

Userlevel 2
Badge +7

@anirbandutta I’m missing the Pulse 2022 Conference Attendee badge
