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Anyone else having trouble with events today?

  • 6 April 2021
  • 1 reply

We have an issue with 6 new events displaying off a day on the front end from how they’re setup on the front end. 

We’re also seeing this concerning view in Control for all of our events: 



We’re submitting the issue to support and I don’t see any status incidents reported, but it’s quite concerning. 

Thanks for flagging this here, I can see the same on our community too. I understand that you find this concerning, apologies for the inconvenience.

I have spoken to the team, this has to do with how the timezone was displayed while creating this event, as well as changes due to daylight savings time. Basically, the page to create an event was not displaying the correct time, e.h. showing your time in DST whle you were not and vice versa.

This bug has been fixed, but as a result the displayed time has changed and the overview of events in the Control environment does not work correctly. Reporting this to support was the right way, thanks for doing so. My colleagues will follow up from there so that this will be adressed.

I personally cannot say if this qualifies to be reflected on the status page, we do have an internal categorization for this in place so my colleagues will also check on this.
