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Is there a way to mention a large number of users in an article or topic without having to individually type each one in and hit enter? I’d like to welcome a group of folks that recently joined our community, tried copy/pasting a concatenated list but that didn’t work.

Gosh I’d love for this to exist. Would make new member welcome posts a million times easier. 

Hi @Scott Baldwin :wave: ,

This functionality currently doesn’t exist but it would be super cool to be able to @ mention a particular group, role or even rank, all in one go. We’ll see that this gets converted into an idea as I feel this has a different use case compared to some similar ones that already exist on the community such as below:


@olimarrio I’m not looking to do that, rather I just want to be able to simply add a bunch of user names (say the list of people that joined our community this week) without having to type each one and select it for it to be recognized. Was hoping to be able to just simply add them as @{username} and the editor would pick it up. 
